Your Cardholder contains a 64GB
memory and can be used to store all
regular files. On Apple phones press the
Memory Bank icon where you will be
advised to connect to the Volterman Wi-
Fi on your phone's Wi-Fi list. Find the
“Volterman” hotspot and press connect.
The default password is - 12345678
Once connected, navigate back to the
Volterman app. You will now have access
to your Memory Bank and any files that
are contained within. You can also add, rename and delete folders and files in much the same
way as any other File Manager.
For Android smartphones, you do not need to go to connect to “Volterman” Wi-Fi like
described above for Apple phones, because Cardholder will already be paired to your Android
Please Note:
Connec on to the Volterman Wi-Fi IS
an internet connec on but a direct link between
your device and your Volterman wallet using Wi-Fi protocol. This is a standard data-transfer
technique used by many high-end devices and is much faster than Bluetooth. You will not have
internet access at this me.
A small amount of your 64GB is taken up with necessary system files that enable your OS to
communicate with the Memory Bank.
1 Volterman Cardholder
1 wallet Charging Cable
Warranty Card
User Guide
Cer ficate of Authen city
Package Contains:
Set of 3 Magne c Charging
1 yellow Security Card
(Micro USB, C-Type, iOS)
Get direc ons to your Cardholder.
The GPS loca on may not be accurate when the Cardholder is in an
enclosed loca on. However, the device automa cally tags its loca on
on an hourly basis and these last tagged loca ons can be viewed from
inside the app.
Please Note:
Track My Wallet func on allows you to see your Cardholder's loca on
using GPS. Tap the GPS bu on at the bo om of the app's main menu and
press the GPS bu on to start searching your Cardholder.
Track your Cardholder in real me.
From the tracking screen you can:
Like with any radio transmission, environmental factors, like walls, steel
beams and even the weather, can reduce Bluetooth range. iva on.
When Alarm Mode is ac ve, your smartphone and Cardholder will ring
whenever your wallet is out of range (approximately 20M/65 ). To
ac vate the Alarm Mode, turn your phone's Bluetooth on and ensure that
your Cardholder is connected. Tap the Alarm Mode icon on the main
menu. The green light will indicate that the mode is ac ve.
Please Note:
If Bluetooth connec on is lost, your wallet and phone will ring and vibrate.
Your phone will display a pop-up with a bu on to turn off the alarm and
GPS bu on to help you locate your Cardholder. You can also turn off the
alarm by single clicking the Cardholder's Alarm Bu on. To disable the
Alarm Mode, tap the bu on again. Gray color of the bu on will indicate
that the Alarm Mode is off.
To charge your device using a cable, connect the cable to the magne c
port of the Cardholder, connect the other end to your device and turn on
the Wireless Charging mode by tapping the Wireless Charging icon in the
app or by double-pressing the Alarm Bu on on the Cardholder. To charge
a QI compa ble device wirelessly, turn on the Wireless Charger mode as
described above and place your device on the 'back' of the Cardholder. If
properly aligned, your device will start charging a er a few seconds.
You receive a no fica on when the Power Bank level is below 15%. Your
cardholder will stop charging other devices when the ba ery level is below
The built-in Power Bank allows to charge the Cardholder both with a cable
or wirelessly. Main menu displays ba ery level of your Cardholder. In the
same screen, you will also see when your device is in charging process.
Please Note
For data security, your Cardholder can only be connected to one account at a me. You can
use the same account on mul ple devices.
Scan the yellow Security Card's QR Code to connect your device.
Download the Volterman app to your smart
device and register your account. Use the
confirma on code sent to your email to
complete registra on.
Charge your Cardholder using the supplied
charging cable. Your wallet will display a red
light while charging and a green light once
fully charged. You can also charge it
wirelessly by placing the Cardholder face-
down on a QI wireless charger.
Press the Alarm Bu on un l the green start-up light comes on. Your wallet will now run
through its start-up sequence. This typically takes 20 to 30 seconds.
The app home screen contains 7 main features, Flight Mode and sidebar
menu bu ons.
Likewise, charging a device via the Cardholder while charging the Cardholder at the same
me is not recommended.
Simultaneously charging two devices via cable and wirelessly is not recommended.
Please Note
Always turn the Wireless Charging off
when you are not charging a device as
QI technology emits a regular signal
which can cause a significant reduc on
in ba ery life.
Do not use your Volterman cables to
charge other devices.
We recommend that you enable the
app's 'Airplane Mode' when charging
your wallet.
QI charging is significantly slower than
conven onal cable charging.
Only use the provided cables.
Simultaneously charging your Cardholder with a cable and wirelessly is not recommended.
Do not charge your Cardholder using a power supply greater than 5V 2A