• Protect the product from extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, strong jolts, high
humidity, moisture, flammable gases, vapours and solvents.
• If it is no longer possible to operate the product safely, stop using it and prevent
unauthorised use. Safe operation can no longer be guaranteed if the product:
- is visibly damaged,
- is no longer working properly,
- has been stored for extended periods in poor ambient conditions or
- has been subjected to any serious transport-related stress.
• Always handle the product carefully. Jolts, impacts or a fall even from a low height
may damage the product.
• Do not use in the immediate proximity of strong magnetic or electromagnetic fields
or transmission aerials. These may distort the measurements.
• During outdoor use, the appliance must only be operated when the weather
conditions are suitable and only with the appropriate safety devices.
• Water vapour, dust, smoke and/or vapours may impair the optical characteristics
and lead to faulty measurements!
• Do not use the thermometer immediately after it has been brought from a cold
environment into a warm room. The resulting condensation may destroy the
interior components. In addition, the lens may become misty, which can lead to
inaccurate measurements. Wait until the thermometer has reached the ambient
temperature before using it.
• Always comply with the accident prevention regulations for electrical equipment
when using the product in commercial facilities.
• Trained personnel must supervise the use of electrical appliances in schools,
training facilities and DIY workshops.
• Consult a technician if you are not sure how to use or connect the product.
• Maintenance, modifications and repairs must be done by a technician or a
specialist repair centre.
• If you have questions which remain unanswered by these operating instructions,
contact our technical support service or other technical personnel.