If equalization function is enabled in program 33, this program
can be set up. If “Enable” is selected in this program, it’s to
activate battery equalization immediately and LCD main page
will shows “
”. If “Disable” is selected, it will cancel
equalization function until next activated equalization time
arrives based on program 37 setting. At this time, “
” will not
be shown in LCD main page.
Display Setting
The LCD display information will be switched in turns by pressing “UP” or “DOWN” key. The selectable
information is switched as the following table order
Selectable information
LCD display
AC Input 1 voltage/ AC output 1 voltage
(Default Display Screen)
AC Input 1 Voltage=230V, AC output 1 voltage=230V
AC Input 2 voltage/ AC output 2 voltage
AC Input 2 Voltage=230V,AC output 2 voltage=230V
AC Input 1 frequency/AC output 1 frequency
AC Input 1 frequency=50Hz,AC output 1 frequency=50Hz
AC Input 2 frequency /AC output 2 frequency
AC Input 2 frequency=50Hz, AC output 2 frequency=50Hz