Manual Seats
/ Sunroof
LeArn more At
Optional Panoramic Sunroof
to open the sunroof to the comfort position, which
will help minimize variations in cabin pressure
and wind noise, turn the dial to the largest circle.
to partially open the sunroof, simply turn the dial
clockwise to any dot.
to open the sunroof completely, twist the dial
clockwise as far as it will go and hold.
When the sunroof opens, the windscreen will
automatically rise. this will help reduce wind noise.
turn the dial counterclockwise to the closed position.
Using your sunshade
there are two arrow buttons inside the dial that
move the sunshade forward or back. one touch of
the relevant button opens or closes the sunshade all
the way. You can control where the sunshade stops
by touching the button again.
For sunroof to tilt, press up and hold the lip of the sunroof dial.
to close, pull down on the dial lip.
Important Warnings and Safety Information,
which you must read, are listed on the last panel, under PANORAMIC SUNROOF WARNINGS.
Manual Seats
Adjust your seat forward or back
• Pull up on the handle under the driver’s seat.
• rock forward or back to a comfortable position.
• release the handle to lock the seat in place.
Important Warnings and Safety Information,
which you must read, are listed on the last panel, under MANUAL SEATS WARNINGS.
Adjust your seat height
Use the lever directly beneath your left side.
Pull up to raise the seat and down to lower.
Recline your seat
turn the dial on the lower rear of your seat and lean
forward or back to adjust your seat angle.