Volaris grants two years guarantee on the S7. The guaran-
tee, however, does not cover wear parts like handles, wires
and wheels. Further the guarantee is not valid, if the rolla-
tor has been exposed to abnormal handling or has been
altered without our consent.
Manufactured in Sweden
S7 is developed and manufactured in Sweden to enable us
toguarantee for function and quality. It is manufactured
from care-fully chosen material and components. S7 is
recoverable to 95 %.
S7 complies with all prevailing standards such as SS-EN
1441, SS-EN 1985, SS-EN 12182 as well as ISO 11199-
2:2005 and is approved by Hjælpe Middle Institute, Den-
This is the way your
new rollator works
Volaris S7
Call 01423 740450
Doability Limited
Unit I7B, Hornbeam Park Oval
Hornbeam Park, Harrogate, HG2 8RB
P 01423 740450
F 0113 3410395
E info@doability.co.uk
W www.doability.co.uk