It will be helpful for this initial example to write down the ICAO
alphabet translation for the selected identifiers. (The ICAO alphabet
appears in the Detailed Functional Description section of this
document, and on the VFS101 Quick Reference Card).
For our example waypoints:
KORD -> Kilo Oscar Romeo Delta
SAGES -> Sierra Alpha Golf Echo Sierra
Initial familiarization is performed in a safely positioned
stationary aircraft without the engine running.
Position the aircraft in a location where the GPS antennas have an
unobstructed view of the sky. Apply power to the audio panel, the
primary Garmin GPS unit, and the VFS101 unit.
Allow the GPS unit to complete its initialization and self-test.
Acknowledge the initial test screens by pressing the ENT button. Wait
for the GPS to acquire satellites. The VFS101 will complete its
initialization before the GPS units are ready.
From the pilot seat, connect a standard aviation headset to the pilot
headset jacks. Place the headset microphone close to your lips and
adjust the audio panel for a comfortable sidetone volume.
Adjust the primary GPS unit to display the first navigation page. This
can be accomplished by depressing the CLR button for a full two
seconds, as well as by a variety of other methods.
The VoiceFlight Activation Switch (VAS) is located on the pilot yoke
and must be depressed when speaking to the VFS101 system. Examine
the switch labels to confirm the VAS location. Always use extra
caution to insure that the VAS is utilized, and not the radio
transceiver Push-To-Talk switch.
Momentarily depress and hold the VAS. A "double-beep" should be
heard through the headset indicating that the VFS101 is operating and
ready to recognize speech.
When utilizing the VFS101, do not begin speaking unless the system-
ready "double-beep" is heard. Instead, release the VAS and attempt to
determine the cause of the problem.
Attempt to initiate a Direct-To operation on the primary GPS using
the selected sample waypoint. For illustration, this document uses
KORD. You should substitute an airport identifier or VOR identifier
within 1,000 nautical miles of the current aircraft location.
1. Depress the VAS (and do not release it until instructed).
2. Clearly and distinctly say exactly the following words:
(substituting a waypoint identifier near the current aircraft
Direct-To commands begin with the word “DIRECT” (not
“Direct-To”), are followed by the spelling of the intended
waypoint and end with the word “ACTIVATE”.
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