red-y smart series
© Vögtlin Instruments AG
Main screen
After you switch on the device the version number of the software installed on the micro-controller
is briefly displayed on the screen. In case of malfunction, please mention this number.
After that the main screen typical for the set operating mode (Op Mode) appears. The currently
selectable operating modes are the normal GSM/GSC controller under the name „MFC-Control“, a
master-slave mixer controller un
der the name „Master-Slave“, a general gas mixer controller under
the name „Mixer“ as well as a special burner controller under the name of „Burner“.
In addition, an „offline“ function is also available. If the device is switched to offline mode, it contin-
ues to supply the connected MFC and GPC with power, but no longer communicates with the con-
nected devices.
For example, this makes it possible for a PC to control the connected MFC and GPC via a PDM-U
cable. A separate connector is present on the rear of the device for connection of the PDM-U ca-
ble. The PDM-U cable in this case is supplied with power from the PCU-10
and there must be no
power supply connected to the round connector of the PDM-U cable.
All the different main screens have the following in common: in the bottom right corner a
„Menu“ button is displayed with which you can carry out the basic functions important for the re-
spective operating mode (if present). You can also use this button to change operating modes.