Vocality User Manual
User Manual for V200
Valid for V08_08.02 or V08_48.02
Page 85 of 114
Figure 5-46 Digital Voice menu showing correct settings for external clocking.
When setup in this way, the data transmitted on this Digital Voice interface will be
clocked out using GC2, which is in turn locked to whichever of the two interfaces X or Y
is active. Correct timing will therefore be maintained between transmitted and received
data. As an example, any analogue voice ports connecting to this E1/T1 can derive from
the same GC2 clock that the E1/T1 is driving.
5.15.3 Testing
You can use the
Diagnostics > Clock Status menu
to see which external interface has
been chosen as the reference for GC2.
‡Diagnostics > Slot n > Digital Voice menu
can be used to check for an error free
5.16 Back-to-back testing
Before commissioning your unit, it can be very useful to configure a pair of multiplexers
in a back-to-back configuration to gain familiarity with their setup and operation. In the
example below, two units are connected via Port 1 of a Serial Card in Slot 5 using cable
VI68726A. System settings are as follows: