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vCenter Application Discovery Manager

Discover Applications Out-of-the-Box 


Uniquely identify hundreds of common packages and 
applications out-of-the-box


Network-based approach – via vSwitch or physical switch 
span – guarantees visibility and discovers unknown and 
unexpected dependencies


Application fingerprinting and patterns identify common 
application components and protocols out of the box and 
establish a complete map of your application services.


Ensure site recovery  and disaster recovery plans accurately 
include all application components.

Eliminate Reliance on Tribal Knowledge


Map before you make a change to eliminate guesswork


Catch production applications that have dangling connections 
to dev/test environments


Identify consolidation candidate based on  utilization-based 
analytics that identify most-used and least-used connections 
and servers


Target specific high-impact server with active discovery and 
discovery analytics via agentless protocols – using credentials 
to analyze deeper system infrastructure, installed software, 
configuration details, and dependencies.

Report on Changes, Compare Configurations


Detect, log, and report on software and hardware configuration 
changes and compare configurations server to server. 


External database reporting capabilities provide the ability to 
create customized reports based on the data in Application 
Discovery Manager’s repository. 


Operations teams can quickly determine what changed and 
track down the truth behind the all-too-common statement:  
“I didn’t change anything.”


Time-based analysis identifies connections and dependencies 
based on time-of-day and history

Scale Across Enterprise and Distributed Datacenters


Scalability for broad deployment across 1000’s of servers.


Span across multiple datacenters with distributed collection.


Deploy as virtual or physical appliance


Aggregate to provide a unified perspective.

Find Out More

For information or to purchase VMware products, call 1-877-
4VMWARE (outside of North America dial +1-650-427-5000), 

 for more information. For 

detailed product information and systems requirements, please 
refer to additional detail online.

Agentless Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping

The agentless, top-down, auto-discovery process creates a real-
time, interactive model of the entire application infrastructure in 
a fraction of the time and cost it would take to achieve the same 
results using manual methods or intrusive, agent-based 

Accuracy and Speed Through vSwitch or Physical Switch 
Application Traffic Analysis 

Passive discovery identifies applications and discovers 
relationships by observing network traffic either through a span 
or mirror port on a physical network switch or on an ESX Server 
vSwitch.  Application Discovery Manager augments passive 
discovery with active discovery, which uses common network 
and system protocols to remotely query servers in the managed 
network and obtain supplementary data about network hosts. 
This hybrid approach allows Application Discovery Manager to 
automatically discover and map physical servers, VMs on ESX 
Servers, services, applications, databases, J2EE components, 
application servers, and composite n-tier applications.

Application Dependency Maps

Leveraging these capabilities, Application Discovery Manager 
automatically builds an interactive application dependency map 
as well as an application relationship and configuration model—
within just a few hours. Both the dependency map and model are 
reconciled across diverse data sources and maintained in 
Application Discovery Manager’s repository. The application 
relationship and configuration model is then continuously 
updated with dependency, configuration, and usage changes.

Key Features

Application Discovery Manager’s  automated, real-time 
application discovery and dependency mapping enables 
effective, dependency-driven change, configuration, incident, and 
problem management across physical and virtual environments.

Map Applications Quickly, Accurately via Agentless Discovery


Automated dependency mapping for unique visibility into the 
relationships and interdependencies among applications.


Agentless, passive, continuous discovery of application 
infrastructure, components, services, hosts, usage, 
dependencies, and connections.


Population/federation to existing CMDB and CMS systems.


Efficient and effective discovery drives datacenter consolida-
tions, virtualization efforts, server rationalization projects, and 
application audits
