Quick Start Guide
When the route is finished, Tap & Hold on the route and select Lock to prevent
any waypoints from being accidentally re-positioned.
7.5.1 Navigating along a route:
Tap and Hold on the route and
select “FOLLOW ROUTE” to
navigate along this route. The
Navigation Window appears to show
Distance & Bearing from your
current position together with ETA,
VMG and XTE. Topo GPS will
automatically provide info to the
nearest WP along the route relative
to your position. When the WP is
reached, info on the next WP along
the route. E.G. if the nearest WP is
WP3, once reached, info on WP4
will appear automatically. To reverse
navigate a route, select Reverse.
E.G. if the nearest WP is WP3, once
reached, info on WP2 will appear
The Guidance arrow indicates the
direction to travel. If the arrow points
left, bear left, if it points right, bear
right. When it points straight up, you
are heading directly for the
7.5.2 Navigation Window
Planning your trip using Routes & waypoints is extremely useful. The navigation
window makes it easy to know exactly where to go. Without planning a trip, Topo
GPS can only display your position on a map and your heading.
Guidance Arrow
Navigation Window
Route Options Menu