Vizio SV470XVT1A - 47

Summary of Contents for SV470XVT1A - 47" LCD TV

Page 1: ...s for your V120 LSD HDTV piease out we mus at r can ten free at 888 VIZQOQE 8 8B 849 4623 We recommend you register your vizro SV4 0i a T1A TV eitherzat aur website Zmwm vizio com or an in your ragistraiiofi fcard amt maii ii in Forpeace 91 mind and to preiect your investment the standard warraniy 31 21 offers cm site exteme dwartanty mans These plans give adciitianal wastage dufiflg We sfansiaxxi...

Page 2: ... applismca safety D0 nctdefeat fl1 3f 3Y P T9 fu 9 97 106 3 9 319 Iniat at A0 fate is t_ se d as t 3 i_s nna 1v devioe Use ant vaixh the sari sand tripod bracket or table specified by manufaetuver 9 said with ihe 3 9 I3 é a_ can _is used gse cauiion wrseu m9 vi 9 she catzfappaxatus carrbérnafiau in avoid iniury fromfgp ov v a 2 The figmrzr 9 flash with armjxwhaad symbol wfiihirx an aguizaterai t n...

Page 3: ...r ements of the groursding electrode 7 Lightning Pratactinrt F3 added preteclinn ef the TV during a fighzning stem or when it is _ o s ft unattended or unused fur kmg minds _ of time unplug the TV from he wall out tie1 Aand discnnziect EBB a rsienn_a Q system F0369 Lines D0 ncsx locate me aniefma near osgemaead light or power cir ui_t s v or whens it mould fan into such power iinas 35 Renumher the...

Page 4: ...atched oribrcrken sc please handie me product gentty and never piam the HDTV wiih the glass facing dawmreards on a surface wizhom gsrotective gxaxirding SMPQRTANT the zcarion and pascking maieriai ffirfuiure shipping Package f c3nt r3t a vszzo S g 4 ZOXVT1 A W230 Rennie contra VUR9 HD1551 Cable Cttérd Saiggy 1 89 V1239 E9293 and 8e _ree n Csieanirsg Gizsth This User Manna Quick Setup amide flsgist...

Page 5: ...omtaticn Avoid instafling the W in plaxzes with high mmwéfiy fdtsstor smcke 523 as mi in shaman the senries if ec af f32a e ecunnic c o rr mnen s mstail the TV inflandsi ape orien1sti on 3 3 33 cimtikwise or saunter c3odcwise mstaiiatian may indueje poar vefi1iia2i fipang3 cemannent aamaga Y 743210 professisinai Snstafléziion services Pgeaseksontaca VIZIO for mere information can these services at...

Page 6: ...4V7GXVT1A 4 Garefuiiy remove the stand base puking the base towards yau L L New the svavsxvrm Gan frfsecurery 19 a mutant center ofihie hack pane qfine Piease makes sure is Bad the instmctians of yam 39685750 mount 9 P D 39 1Y h3flQ 338 8V4 0XVT JA The pitch 0 the m untin9 H9385 55 5 99mi hqyizgntaity and 266mm vertieatsy The ss rew typ e required is metric M8 1 25mrn pi1 fh The Iength effne screw...

Page 7: ...8 video A I1 2 4 4 Using Cémpnsite Ava sdegs __ 2 5 Gonnecfing Yam VCR arfvideq Camera zscorxneéting an mdemat ReeeivesraA m 2 6 Opficéi Oatput 03 Audio received 2 7 Ccmnecting a PC CunfipLiter 2 7 1 Preseét Pf Re a u ions g 2 7 2 Resaiutian 20x I O88 through RC 8 15 Pm VGA input Zi S1 f i f K3 U9 35 Tafiesfiairm 3 3 C D HDTV Siartilp 3 2 wa1abin g a T3 Prcgiam 3 3 3 e JiJ fYfi9 88336 HDTV 36 H95 ...

Page 8: ...put Audio Aqfustrnent 4 8 HUM input 25 9 video input Piaium Adjusiznent 4 IAB gdeo tnpasi Audin _a5 djust r e rr t 4 1 W669 4 112 Alma Phase for Comvonem input 4 1 3 Video input f a ent a1_Coritro 4 44 Re input Piamre Adjasstrtvarxt 4 fi 1 Ante Adjust 4 1512 H F as iion 4 14 8 Pgjs i9n A14 4 1 i SIZE a 14 5 3128225 z fia 5 Fine Tune 4 15 PC lngziutaudin Adhzsinwént 4_ _ 6 PG np u t 4 1 Understandi...

Page 9: ...3 WT1 Pe U813 Manna 5 6 FCC Class BRadio tmetferersee E n1 _cs matiicn 6 9e ifrca ions v 2 3 ussary Standard Definitions 3 3 a Ccmpement Program Gqdes in Veixsicfi 6 2I 2 3 38_ 9 www ViZ 1 corn VIZ687 CK 789 7 1 ...

Page 10: ...ction as up and drawn C yG 5tfO hj in me 050 menus VQLUME 3 use these battens to irmrease or decrease in the speaker stoiume filhiia the 033 is actixaa these buttons vfunzztiyon as 19 and righi oontmis in me 0SDmemas INRUT ENTER Repeated pressing of this buflorss staps through the inpm sources in the fimqwing sequence TV AV1 A312 s x aaev QIT3pi 31ei3i 1 Co mpoa e nt 2 RGB HDMH HDM12 H33Mi3 and HD...

Page 11: ...the and crzmnezefing to the TV is needed if sound 5 also tsfansmittets with this signal 6 COMFOfiiE_N f 4 fY Pb bPr1i r Audio camera primary sjegroe tar cz0rfi Han1 vi iiat2 dessixzesszuah as a DVD Piay e rjo sei top him here Fmm iaft énuright use vmiisfi for 19 ammo and red for rigfi audio green farfifi time fo Pb er ch anti redfar Pr 0 Cf inputs The gr e n taokar hand on thejrear ofthe N m6i ate...

Page 12: ...s such 2 END Piayer or set top box here From up is bottom ref to right use green far Y blue for Pb or Cb redfor P1 or Cr then conneci white fur iefi audit and rats for right audio inputs Noie The at 6 and whim audir ctmrsexzioss are shared bezwezefl _M f2 and CGM ONEb3 T2 V HEM 3 e Canned ifbe third scarce far eigfialvideil as 3 DVB mustjrnedig giayer aw set 33 61 2303 thrzflsgh this an ciigfiai n...

Page 13: switch betweén Comnoneni 1 am Corrmonent 2 inputs E Repeateé messing or this mttmn wfil swiictz xzzaaween AV1 am AVE finputs V fjes z 1hi s butmviio sgeiactTVpregramming 6 t 1s e these iosseieata charms erentera passward E Ti s s k utt9 naibws me usemomorethroughthe inputs 3 i D A H tauttqfl is for the one mode When seietriing a digital shanflei fiiracfiy use this hgrsttcsn r ar he sé 3iaraiio ...

Page 14: ...ian in Qnoscrean Qisplay BSD menus T _f Snips This buftt_ riAdisf3lay program mformaiion Note This functian is oniyavaiiabie on DW xi This batten exits the Dnqszsreen Dtspiay 350 menus T t or 1 Thesa buttons turn we veiume up or down an aurmund Sound This funciicn is n9 Aaszaitab1 e am this nwedefi and greasing this buttvn has rm effect vjmfezss wireless speaker system is present CH 9 or 9 These b...

Page 15: ... T3 madeV and anemaxe aucia Gh ann e1 WherIe avaiaiataiea in BTU mafia M1i e in PSP POP made pressing SWAP wit switch the désplays from me main sateen to the sub screen er vise verse Use ibis blmon in change the piciure mode mam Cnsimn Standézrfi Mov e_and Game This buiton dispaaysfhe image and system information display s b sc reen white in P7 or P9 made OFF G931 I862 303 and 834 am i f D Igi a G...

Page 16: ...gutations Keepthe batteries from cirizdten and pets 1 53 Remate Conrrofi LFiar2t e Point 1113 remete centre at the rt m9te contra senissrto transmjii the sasrtmandsg Do not piace any obstacies between the remoie centre and the receiverAwindow The effacfive range of the rserrvete cvntmi is apgromateiy 30 feet 10 rn e ters 2 item the frcmt cf the receiver window 313 tame left and right 20 up andLd e...

Page 17: the connectian for szandard _ NTSC TV using antenna orpabse RC2 B PC v 3Aj This videainput has separate red greet and nine co or rn ao eni5 Thesignaicames 5 r rmrizontal xrerti a sync tafqynaatian an gflasn signai Th s ism9st zio nw19n vVused far P Component 3 The videovsignai issez a ai9di1Ts tc Z threa signaia acme ccntaining the bias aad white infermation and the 1339 we centairiin the paint...

Page 18: ...8a t eiii i e Bass Bast 1 Turn off the Qower to the LCD HDTV and HBTV Set Top Box 2 Cbfifilegi a HUM cabka 9 me H 3M i3u1 aut of yaur Ht3T v set Top Br x an d the other end as the HEM smut white color area at the rear Of the LS0 H TV 3 Turn on the gamer is the LCD HDTV and HDTVSe T911 89 4 Select HEM using the N PUT Dumas gm Ilia e m0te or 53 36 9f the LCD HDTV or directly by pressing the How biut...

Page 19: ... and red connectors czonneci the eabie Ed the audio Qutpul sonnectors a sse iates3 wiifs the DVD mifiinut on your HDTV Sei Tap Box and connect the other end to the audio connectors amociated wfth the DM inpu1A a hite area at the rear tsfihe LCD HDTV Tum on the powarto the LG HEW and HDTV Sieiimp Box seteci H 3M 2us ag INPUT buttsn an femme D2 side Ioif the LCD HQTV 0 directly by pressing ih a1HD i...

Page 20: when viewing frbm the near sf the at me rear cfihe LCD HDTV Connect the P rcr red note connecior on year HDTV Se1 T 3P Box tea the correspsmciifig PT Gr red t r9 9n net ter in ma Compunsni 1 grown Queen cimsur asea_ mw eicnnnactms nearest 19 yea when vi ewi tg fmm the rear 31 the at the rear fmeLC HDTV Using an audio cabk 2 white and red connectors connect me cable to the audia euiput V eennec...

Page 21: ...anneo i tfre coaxial RF eennector fmm your antenna at tiigiial came um the EBTWTY CAB L ElANTEN NA oonneczter at the rear of the LCfC _HDT 1 3 V Tum an the newer to tha LCED HDTV 4 Select DTV using the INPUT batten on the remote D side If the LCD HDTV or direcity by pressingihe TV ibuflnn on the Remoie Coniro 1 L Version srzzéaae V22 7 www VIZlo com V1268 O 8983 ...

Page 22: ... ms the remote or si e of h e L D HDTV or direcuy by 2r e sing 1h e button an the Remote Contsoz M Tum off the psweir 9 the LCD HDTV and VCR L 2 Connect the C3u put to TV RF Out Q Antenna Out conneczor onthe mar of ycur VCR to the DTVITV GABLEIANTENNA cennecior as the rear ofihe LED HDTV 3 Lmrn on the power to the LCD HOW and VCR 4 Seiact TV using the IWPUT button an the remote or side at the LCD ...

Page 23: ...igh Uefinitidn Munimedia Interface shouid be connected to ma HUM inputnf the V3210 SV47GXVT1A for optima resufls V i amm ex t m 3 s1 r Sim Pkaager L Be j Turn off2113 powar 19the L69 HDW and DVD s1ayér V V 1 2 Gannema HDMI c able a the HDMI ctutput cf your 9439 piayer and me came and 20 the HDM V mput whize coior area at 213 re3r ofth e E GD HDTV 3 Turn on mg powerto the C D HDTV an your Du p ay g...

Page 24: ...and red connactorsf nonnect the cable in the audits output connetciars assczciateri with the Dvi output on your DVD player and aannect the other end to the audio ccnnecmrs associated with the HDM input while area at the rearflof the LCD HDTV Tum en the power to the LCD HDTV arsiii mu D VD piayer 8e fid HD5133 2 using the NPUT b t fi0D on tbs re na a ar série ofthe LSD H 2 TV 1rdi re y by PYESSMQ t...

Page 25: ...n viewing tram the rear csffkhe Psi at me rearhfzhe LQEI Haw Connect t1e1P rCr red timer Genneclor on yen DVD piayer to the wrresvonéinc Prczr red color gonnechiar in the Component 1 gro p green color area row 91 t o nectg rs nearest to gen when viewing fmmihe rear csf the at the rear aftha 1 C1 HDT _ Using an auriio cable white and red cennecters 0f fif8Gt the cable ta the audie Dutgzgui G inne o...

Page 26: ... cabte white and red connectors onnect 1he sabre to the audio output connectors assuciated with the 5 Video 0111983 on your DVD piayer and cunnact the other end to the audio c9nne c1ors assoc ated wiih the AV1 input at the rear of the LCD HDTV Tum an the power to 313 LCD HDTV anzi DVD player v eIec1 W using me iNP 3T1butios an the remake or ideoffIh e LCD HDTV 9 direcflv by pressing the AV batten ...

Page 27: ...a_ithe rear ofme LCD HDTV 3 xcenneci the R red Qatar and L wfiflercalor auc fso co nn ctarrs an year DVD piayerio the ccirresponding R grad celor and 1 white mint audio irifiui on nst tar Intha Avflinpui weltow oeikir arsa row o f soinnectsm at 1319 rear 0fth8 LC3 HDTV 7 4 Turn on the aower to the LCD HEW anti DVD Piagrer 5 Select AV using theTtNF 15 T button can the vemoie ctr side of the LCD HDT...

Page 28: an ajudia cable white a 11d_red Vc m i e 1 or 43 r2nQe a mg came eo1h a audiei auiw con nec or s assyacialed the Vu1e émfifit rm yeus VCR or Vxfifess and me other end to the agsdie cgsnnecrtszrs assecéated with me AV1 c gI o r area at the rear efihe LCD HDTV Tum on the power to the LCD HDTV and VCR or Vjdea Camera select AW using the INPUT butwn on the rermtez at skis of the L623 HDTV or direc...

Page 29: open the on t f 9 n Dismay C3333 mama 5 Pre 3 bsgttonpn the remofe z an1mH_ v segect the Audie V rnems 1 6 Press an the remcste cantm to satest SPEAKERS 7 Press 9 on me rernote come 10 2186 GFF st that the sauna from the LCD HDTV wilt new be muted thrzaugh year system a Es 1 f 3 at i c aL 3 Sudan r ezas e Vued L V F f 2 3 F fn a V I if yatznr sound s y stem has a 901 imiticaii digital audic Vin...

Page 30: ...u t of your at cornpuierand the L oihar and to the R333 PC input blue area atthe rear of the LCD HDTV 3 Eanneai the Ayers Gm an i tf pa mew to the Rea Pt Amie infpm him area at we sear c f1he LCD HD TSf V 4 Tum on the ptmerta LQD HDTV and Pcféiemtmter Select RG8 using ihia INPUT button on the remcteorskie pf the LEI HDTV Versica 8I2f2008j SQ www ViZ aom VIZ687 0078992 ...

Page 31: ... 40x243fi 8DGx 61I l826x10B9 mares rs negative 9 Rosa mate infamtafien EEHHHEBHE 115 93 L 69 02 r r5 931 L 68 35 L some in made easy Pfirnary fifiofle P a se refar1c 2 72 for 75 70 75 7 0 7 5 g a R9a c S rtéi c 3n gax t 3 3 3 Vhr s i h RG8 L 5 i ir 1 VG i n ut M zf PC Asupports VESA Rsduee Bffafiking ziming via the VISA card drive program uss _ at y afiered by true Card Mam iacture0 L yicur Tvsiei...

Page 32: ...e sat he Initial Setxtpsfcxeenvmvsli up rziessse press 1 197 izutmn on the remeze ecntroi The Laaguage choice screen win be displayed iha defautt Engiish option is h igh ligh d If you wish in change ithge DSD ianguage ta Espafici or Frangzais pre ss fi 1 e 331 tion on the wemote contra so select this an guage y a u rwam P essthe buftgmonihe remote 10 go to the flex screen Nate At this pnirrk ifa S...

Page 33: ...1 iete his grasedureg yaw was need its se1ec1 th e W as input and then go mraugh the Menu ppfian to st e 1 mg Tunerse up 10 get ha opiicn of scarming the channels again o The V win new cnangesa shew me progresscfthe saarcn far 1og NTSC and Bigital ATSQ cahanneis Notes aw digitai Vbmadcast is mat availama in 21 areas Refer to aammr an1sna1a vveb gg to gst infarmaticm atmut avaiiability it your area...

Page 34: ..._ci Games can am he used for 0 43053 pctures c Turn on yew Game Box vsa Extemal T3 Tuner mi Sat ei itt R ecei re Ar and yang wasfsee a gzimture en y ur TV set If there is neat pittuaée make surefiyou have sietected the ebrréci iripiut en the TV set 1 If the sefected input is RF ytau shguid be aware that ha TV set 119363 in be on either channel 34 or charme 4 maiching the cnanneIVwheish has been se...

Page 35: ... EXIT key to ex3tLihe on sczaeen L display Menu Note kt Prozbedure 4 had been done you weak Jim to do the fiatiowing to 1 Bf SU 8 that the entrant pmgram times are when pressing the Guide Press the Menu Key this win bring up the picture made menu Prgss either ior 1 button semi dam is me next page The 332 screen wit 81398137 shawing Time Zena Presseither button 1 sates it Prefis either 9 or Ir bufi...

Page 36: ...he side rofxhe HDTV b gf ygu am watching nroadcasis through 1 came 2 satellite S eM01D m x c m nc c2ed by an HDMI name Select HUM directiy by messing the HDMI button on me remate or by pressing the WPUT amen en the remmie Aaron the side Of me HDTV c H ynu 3173 waiching braadcasts ihfoilgh a cable at sateilfie setdfap box cannecied by a Component YF bPr cable sateen Component direcny by pressing th...

Page 37: ...cnannek or hold it depressed until the desired channei tgashafii Nate Qixanrxaé up and dawy ma snmy apexrate in DTV a ru3 W nxozszesi Using this feature you can watch video content in different aize modes on fhe HDTV Pressi the Miimflii btrttzars on the remxzfie contra is briflg name C3353 wean Press me V human and scroii down 3 Setugx Press the batten in seieciéthis nation Press the 1 butinn ems ...

Page 38: ...nel tzzeing awed The folkamiing is an expkanation ef the different ssciiens ofma above banner Audio is Spanish 191813 TV Shame Number Staiéon Name previded hy Broadcasts 4985 Hum High oefinman dosed Capfion is avaflabie Brass ma GUIDE butian Vtwkae and at f east 1wz ar d héif heats sf arzsgsaaumng win he smwn on the dismay as Shawn he Veifsibn 82212008 www VlZi0 cmn V1268 0079000 ...

Page 39: ...ns may haveadfiiiionai submenus i e this TV Rating sub menu for Parents fizantrats Press the MENL button on the remote centre or the side ufthe TV andthe Picture menu M31 has shown on the sereerx Pressthe Q bt I Gn an the remote centre mine 8_H or cH twitch on the side ea the HDTV in seiect me ofthe pther menu apfieas P ic1ur Pi _zlu_re Adgusi Audio Audio Adifisti TV TunerL eiu 2 L L Sam Giobai Se...

Page 40: ...light fave dees not affect the Bfigmness biiacisz ievei pr Contrast L whiie rave 9 we picture it adjusts the lamp aurremt and ihés affects the Qveral briiliangae of ih ev pasture Once the adiusmmms are cempieied pressvthe EXIT button to exit the Q81 completely 7 V V Nae 235 waiting 3 r_ _1 be disabied and 5ag2 3 a2 Ef m35nr a tssrarast Rzfiirs ik 1é i 08 Q 3 3 Br v 3 _ Lt n i S Press the 9 butten ...

Page 41: ...exiion usmhe 1 star pr immms 1 azijust me xevei Tha 3 o r agsjusisvfhe am 3um ofcs zlorin t13e picture the adjustments are cempieted press the EXIT batten éto exit me BSD Acompieteiy q a E T ir Press me r buttcm io high2igh1 the Tim selection Use the L 3 hr to adiusz the ievei The Tm adjusxs me hue 21 the gigature The easiest 19 sei tint is to ioolg at fies tones and adiusi far a rea1isiiG apveara...

Page 42: ...1g efthe pitzturé V Noise ReductioniislfiR Press me 1 button to higrdigfit Smart Noise Raducikm SiNR Use this feature 6 diminish piature afiéfacts caused by me digiijzing of image moiimz cement thai be peasant in the picture Psess the 4 or Dr bution to choose from the Low Medium of Sitting setting Qnoa 53 adiHS1me n s are mmpieieifi mass the EXIT tmftcn ta gxii the o vm 33i 3 L L Rress the bution ...

Page 43: ... 9 butter to tum mks feature In yo Qfi Nate Bacisight setting T woutdbe disabied ifthis opifion is set to On 7 Qnce the adiustments are eomptetied press the EXIT button to exit me 8313 cnmpleiaiy Coior Te m99 raiure Pressvthe v tzutmjn fo Lhighfight the opfian for Cole Temparatureseiection T318 d efa u3 G C L mas is the 380K setting Presszfhe I at J bugtan ifyou want to cmoaseihe Nomai Warm or Cus...

Page 44: ...a enhance the qua ii y of the images 93 Drogramrmng being viewed F ress_1he but m oAn gna g s the Rsa Qifnema Mode eptim Ussjme B 9 vbuitgn to salad yourchaice There are three cmices off Pracision and M Precision Feature when selecting this feature you was obtain a sharper image of the scene you are watch r g_ sometimes depending on the quality of the signai and quaiizy of the recorded pictures mo...

Page 45: defauit A sateen win some up to giva you the eptions of either to ccmfirm yaur s _ ect_ion aria ea n_ce ii if you had changed ycur min g3 Press eithef 4 er iv to make ihe seiecticn Prmeteac v 6 fit M 0nee 1he 3 ustmua_ nts are camgfieied press ma EXIT human taexit the 035 comptsiely Note Envy settings under Picture adjustmerits win he Version SW 2008 45 wsmar V1Z O com VIZ687 0979007 ...

Page 46: ... be dfispiayed showing voiumes at different frequencies 3i hes Usesihe 4 61 V bfutton 1 13 53333 the frequency is be adjusted _ Siarting fram lowest to the hi ghest vpétch they are 1215 Hz 50 Hz 1 5 kHz 7 ski iz and 10kHz 7 Press the N at button it adjusi the Vseiecied frequency to year psweférencae V For sxampte if you want 9 most the has you wesild highiight 32aHz and tififfl t 1 31 Owe the adju...

Page 47: ... as at bution ta turn the audio cutfiignai 10 Fixad arVar ab3e when 31 is gag 19 variatzie volumé gfmm 26 enema spfeaiiefs wiii change assuming to ma valume mane TV ifit is fixed thé can oniy be changed by the senings an the external stereo sysiam me actiustrtieais are agzampieted pcessihe _ExiT bu ton to exit the 083 mmpietely 3 f Lip Ss r u L inclueefi with the aévanced teishneiagy Of i Ir TV a ...

Page 48: ... up the Wareiess set and me TV q 3 Vz zV Speaker Setting This opticn V having a bearer iar handing cocntrot ofthe vvxretess System Press the r mange 1 mgmight we agzeakgr Setflng selectim F ress eioV acciegt The faliowing cations ans adjustnwents wit beccémei avaiiatiiato you to set the iseund to z x_sr desired prafearejnces V Vspeakers Locaiian Amer setectirsg this Qptifsn the TV wit reprsduee 23...

Page 49: ...e 5 s1ion Press L to cnanise this speaker which vaiue in be adjustad Press either 4 or I to set the vatuat Press eafier ihe MENU key 3 93 122 me 3 BV G u menu 9 adjust a secend speaker arms Exit key toexi the OS canspletaiy Trim This aims the eaaiustmenis 1 each indis1iduai speaker sén1ume a c 2rdingii o yaur Qmferances Press me V button to highlight the Trim option Ps ess the 3 button is seleci i...

Page 50: ...x L ptior iefihe menu Nata when 33 pravgram szarrying a DO3by7I3i gitai5 1 siaLgrs a is 3 guppxieei 0 the IV a LED ted 45 1 imficatcr dispiaying such signai can be seen an hottbm rightnamfi sitiesaf the earner speaker q 5 3 L s auncf Ef f ec i As it was jpmésasxy raie nii ua e3 ymar TV cgcxmes with a fanazary saving or 332 fF ur rcundXT fligiiai audéa szfiefitim wh i h is the perfafit opticn when ...

Page 51: ...cmpteized press the EMT button 10 exitme 0812 L czamplsiely 4 3 Reset fiutziiczz Made Press the Dutian tz hig h1i g ht the opfiorrfnr iR efieft Mtide saléctifin Press 1 button to te um the Kama setiingsto factory default The ezptions aif ajgher accepfing t sr Tar3oe iing ins ssziis be d is pia y M Press either 4 or 1a to ma Reine selection Pr ss a eamen it Note Gm settings undé r t 3eA An i3 radiu...

Page 52: ... asljusimeni page Press the buttfin to rdispiay the P3Q8 Press the button in highlight the Tuner Mode selection Prerss the 0 button 0 ho os e cable at Air Amenné depending upon Lwhicr equipment you havaattachad 10 the UN Tvinpm 7 Once the adjusimentsare completed press 1219 EXIT buttxm to exit the BSD compieieiy 4 1 Q 39 1 3 I 55E f 13h Press use button togbighiight the Ame search seseason Press t...

Page 53: ...weakto watr h ccmforiabiy or they may be channe Is you do mi wani to see Sweet ihe charms you wish to renmva by p easin_ the MENU mum 10 wing up the OSD Pressihe re 22utto nsl 3 open the W TUNER SETUP menu Press the V buucin ta hiigiiiégixt SKIP CHANMEL P ress thi_e sh mmea to same this channe to he skipper when usingihe CH r or 9391 buttén Yet win sud be abse 16 septem this ch ani 3 eL using me n...

Page 54: ...e nts are cc mp ete d press the EXIT buitan to exit the O3 compietely 4 4 C3rasr fight 5avAm r 3 As for Ema Zone setiing the dayiight saving time for your area wiii ensure that the correct pmgtam times are shown after pressing the GUQDE bumm on the remote co ntrui L Press me Lv bunon to nsgmighttne Daylight saving sjeleciian Press the button ia se ec1 3n erjoff once the adjustrnents are comp e1ed ...

Page 55: ...X button an exit the cast camp1e te3y V 4 5 12 P35 P x t uare in P r ture Press the 1 button tomghiifght the PIP P cte re in Picture sfetectizm Press the it r buttan A separate menu wiii appearwith the foflowing PIP settings PIP Mods Press the Y bumzn to hightiglhtthe Pi mode seieciion Press the 4 or button to seiect Orr P1 or POP Pictures cutside pieétumj it me PSP mode zrsmaiter sub screésn win ...

Page 56: ...Positicrn w1en P P is saieciad Press the button 1oLnigtflightE x er PIP pasitian seieaiion Brass ihe as at 3 button to cheese where on the picture you want the P19 scyesn pasétianed over the mainfictisen PIP 852 3 M When P P is S6ia86Y6d _ Press the v button to nigI iig m the PIP size selection Press the S or 5 b 1iia nto ct1oose Sinai Medium er Large PIP Audiie scarce When er POP is sew ted Press...

Page 57: ...his feature whiéh allows you up seiect how jysur L giisway wautd be siz e w is e V when in TV the seiaczians are Njarmai Mae Panaramic an d Zzsam views Press the V button as many times as it Lakes 10 scrofil down to this 7 option and i Ighiigh it Press either 4 or 1 batten 9 make ma Q0rreGt 5a4ec 1ion you war sea the screen adiusting ta tbs fififerafii sizes which app y lo taisieaaure _ Cznce the ...

Page 58: ... space in the bracket efiher the A or V bsuttcn and L sated either the letter or number belangs to ms pizca Press the gr bufi m to go is nexi space __3 am again Using eithe1 ihes in car 4 button Select me sescandacharaekaraffluea name given to this input R e p e a1 the iasti prevmus two szmais 4 compteixad ntiixxhe name 91 this iirput is Press we Qxey accept the name of the input at me EXIT key to...

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Page 60: ...ed press the EXIT button 19 ex rt the CS1 mmpiaiety xv Pasiiion Press the 1 button to higtifight me venica Shii2 se iec Iion Use the an or in buftan ta adiusi the verficai position Onse the adjustments are compteted press the EJGT button to exit the 0813 mmpietezy M L He Sl2 E useine 4 gr 2 nuuan 1t9 adiusii 1e h ri2nnta size Once the vatfiustmenis are compieted press the E367 button to axii the O...

Page 61: ...tered and accepted by the when the MENU button is pressed the 9 Screen Dispiay CS3 app e ars an the P fURE adjustment page T T Pressv the an buttepn to disglgy the 9399 Press me button to highlight Parental and then press the h button The P 3 S WO d must be eniered befcre ihe TV wik caniinue with Parental settings The defautt password set in theiaciery is 9 9 15 0 if yea a1 8 cir g to use the Page...

Page 62: ... q Fellow zhe pmcedure in the previaus season wdisptay the Fmrentai Central menu and than pressthe v hymen to highlight theus N Rating selection 7 Press the b bisttcfi and the 8l0 C k TV Rating panel was he dismayed in ha Bio ci W Rating pane yau can cus mriz e tha pmgram ialazzicingcf the 51 Ail chiidfafl Y7 Older chiisdren G Genera au ii m eA P13 Guidance suggested 14 Strengiy cautioned MA Matur...

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Page 64: ... farms a tzs tzeing viewisd in your baa or fiagiona area it wiit anew he parenta guidance ctmiroi feature in your TV in have the most current parents contra flatabasa far a di gi i a i Sssnas This Qpiiojn may be available in the fuéure for This optizm works as icmcwsv Whenever you decide ta use the Parezttai Gontmi teams and this has keen aativatad in your area thaj 2 Check far New BT31 Rating win...

Page 65: ...e an iratsng Once 1l3e ad3ustments are cammetad the fitliian 9 4 xii the OSD Acompiately q 5 b Change Lvhe f L a5 3w 3r i M Press ihe v button is highlighi the Access Code Em sejeciian Prass the 7 button and me new Ra8 W0I 3 2ans W13 be rdismayed Enter the new 4 digit password using the number 311112098 canine semoie Enter it 3 sec endVtime te confirm yms eniered it correctiy Once we adiufiknents ...

Page 66: ...ton torreset the T33 mine default faciory seizings The screen wi1 disp ay a message to confirm thai you want 16 reset Use it 95 In butmn ta nighfigm your Press thé9 button to eenfinn your choice Cmcé the adjaJstmar s arts campiéied press the EXIT butian tn exit the OSD compseieiy Hate This does N07 reset the Pafe mai Qontroi Passwnrd Versieg 63 K www fEl0 com V1268 0079028 ...

Page 67: ... 1 2 utjt m to exit 1he Q5 1 compieteiza 45 HEN r _ 3i Jt fiwfiic fiE 3jus t me2nt 4 The Ausjib Adiusi operates itrthe way fur the HEM input aLs farthe DTV1 input if 4 3 3 8 HUM i n s st isertup The Saiup menu aperates in the Same way for the HDMI input asxfor the K input in seating 4 4 The menu sdifierence is that 3rere is are BTW i T 9 Pvarema Contra adiustmeezétsa Version 3 2I 2008 6 V www V Zt...

Page 68: ...LJ 3 fnE f T The Audio Adjust Lmenu operates in zine same way for Inmsist c mp meat and saw as fz r the DW gi TV input in e t si n 4 3 The ntegza diffemnca is that mere is no scan along the top for 13w TV adiustmenis j 4 11 V ciz 1 inpL3t Set up Tue satay Vmentu eperates En a imitar away for wags mputs iizemgaonent and AV as for the TV iflttsut in Is ec si ra 4 4 The menu as fie an e ae is that th...

Page 69: ...s apfion The will auimnaticaiiy lack for the phase arm signai to fine tune the picture Once the a d ustraerrts axe compieted press he EXIT button in exit ms 088 oompietely 7 4 21 3 k i 9 3 input Parental Central The Pareniai Vfiqnzral migrates in the same way fur xfidea lsmuts csémyzvenens and AV as far me DTVI TV inpu in s e io n 4 53 The men a dffferencea is mat there is no 609 along the t p for...

Page 70: ...jusimefli 3398 7 Press the V butian to higmight the utO Adju8ft selection Press iha J inxtlon far the LCD H E N in 2d 1 5 1 1 I the PC sigma 8u1Gi 3 3Ii 31 f V Once the ad usirn entsL areV cempieied press the EXIT buttnn to the 08 i Gmp f 1 Fm ss the v bu tten 0 he 1 isriemiat shift aeiection Use the 1 at 5 bultim 9 azsjusi harizunzat pssitinn omp eteiy 4 1 e 3 3 F 1t 1 r s Press the r button is h...

Page 71: ...o highiight ihe H Si2e selection Press ibe button it 5121 adjusting_ the hmrizanial size ofthe picture U581 16 4 or button to adjust the hurizomai size Once the a i us1ments are compieted press the EXIT butter tc exit the 0813 oomp ata3y 5 firm Tune Brass ihe we buttan to nigfliigm the Fine Tune saiectien Press ihje iv batten to stari t_un3i1g 1316 in the PC signal use1h or at human i0 ad_jus t1he...

Page 72: difference isA t h_at there are nag icqns aj qn _g the tap fer BT31 J TV and Paregatas Central adjusiments 41 4152 PC input Setup The Se t1 _ _ V menu qperates in the same way far the PC input as far the DTSI 1 TVir ut inqsaciicn 4 4 The menu qifierence is ihat there is nso icon akmg ihe tap for f i adjustments and no Cmszed 3aption Veirsian 72 V www V1Zi0 com VIZ68 0079034 ...

Page 73: ...t or fu fxan1e movie in this made the disyfiay image is smashed pmperzionawsy tafin he W screen Wzan watching a widescreen f 1 8 1 saurce zzrogram or the dispiay Image fins the TV sateen if you are waichirtg a widescseen 1 85 or 2 35 1 scarce pragram er rrcoviia there win stifl be black bars mine tap and bcmam L when watching a standard bxoadcast er tut frame movie fin 1115 mode we 4 3 Aspect Rati...

Page 74: ...irrdependem cwffhe main TV channel To change the 91 awanfiei the Pi CH btittim omthe remote 1 9 3 A tem a tive y _ you can change the PIP manna by pressing thafiCH are btrticmt A _ Regeaxed prs t g 9 the PP T buttian was mm Van mm at me Pf mode the 91 3 25 mm is attaniaie ibe we e n 31811 Medi um and Large Pi sizes Repeated pressing of zne PEP INPUT buttan W313 Cycle thmugh the inputs fer P1P This...

Page 75: ...itmhe new code Iistad for the component and manufaciurer V 5 Paintihe remeiei cbirrtml at the VC R and paras e PQ s R butian The VCR wiit tum aoff 4 sF roqr amm fic f t 3_r Centre 55 3 t Tt i s Em z Manuatiy tum onthe Gabiefiox Press the CBL button an the remote central 7 Press and hold the SET button unlit the LEDLIGHT flashes twice Find the programming code for your came Bax ix me coda Ii s 1_ i...

Page 76: ...l Press and hold 1 ha SET taartion until the LED flashes Presser 9 1 The LED flashes twice M L _ Point the remote sontrdt at 1 CO TIp9flBfit and then aszaimaze aemsn pressing the PQWEB button and the uompongni Dufiofi rm iihve remcta eentrat uniii the compafient air If the component stiif does not respond mear the tzsmppxzens taxman then refieat thesearch tarogedurje L 1 3 q 3_8 Usirgq 53 Estate a...

Page 77: ...eaner to clean the dis_p ay wring water am of the dath before cleaning to prévent water from penetrating into the housing Wipe me di playwi1h a dry clam afisr c ean ng L 5 sa T 7 3 t 5t t e A 1 3t3 t ifiQ Guide if the fails or the perforrnanca shanges rdramaticany check the dismay in accordance syitn the fbliawing instruciiens Remember to check the peripherais to ainpoirri the of me failure If the...

Page 78: ... The e isp ay image s 53 31 c 0ve I the eiiiire screen cannot hearsourtd Make sure tha Eth9 imzui source cable is at1a hedvsec ur a3y and adrrecify tn the back oiyaarTV Make sure the itha W399 input so urce Ls within 1 w range 63 ya ur Tv Compare flwe video irgpLIt so ur cé s specifim3 icn5 wifih your TV speeificatbns if you are using RG3 maria make sure that H Size and V Pasificn in the n Screen ...

Page 79: ...Weflcing as pne ptease take the Txsfiiard out from the six sgide the switch to the Play pesifian and reinser it intp he slot 5 Your TV and Wireless Speakers System have besante 3 139153 54 theatre enteriahamentfi ysiem 5 4 Tetegzhrzne E Teahfliczal Support Pmducisware often ryetumed due to a ieciiniaczai probfem rather than adeifeetive product that may nesutt in unneszsxaaryshigxping cfianges bill...

Page 80: ... equipment does aause harmful interference to radio car zeievisiccn reception which can be detemwined by turning the vetzuipmeni cuff and on the user is enceuraged to try to correcithe Ain terfiarence hy one crmate ofthe fsilowing measures 1 Ren rie i1i orretacaié tfie receiving antenna 2 inoraase the separatien betwsan the equipment and receiver 3 C nnnect the equipment me an eufliei on a circuit...

Page 81: ...ornpanent Progressive Sears Videa via 4 7 J l3w _ icbmpanent or RfGB HDT sI HDfa1 _ 0m 3fli3 or RG8 Set T941 Box 7 remixed C mPHi9 34 GX480 102657 38 1283x1024 92 0 1 X8 3158 5533 or 3920x1830 via HDM3 8 i i in SR S T uSuwrnun XT Audig uppu ts A168 P Suit HDTV 1G8 I i HDTV 72 3 H 3Tv 488 EDTV aand 48 3i S iT i video signais 10i 6P FHBTV HEM 33 1 3 12 Hz Matiah Eatinratéonv 3 Mdthah Qo I fi5 fi3 on...

Page 82: ... fl8f3i and o1hy digital surmund sound HDTV nrevictes 5 9 0 06 2 I Vzrfiition iXe 1 V tlmegraxed HDTV An HDTV fhazihas ma digit ai tuner buik into the set 3t dces not need a separate set top bux to receive aver she air DTV signals inxeriace sq an A io isteriical lines Canto 3 mature by scanning air the oz as lines first then fiififlg 1336 in the evengfines A ihi sv hawens instantaneously V Piug an...

Page 83: ...cfisivst B f3 1 46 D I Vfimv 1i Adjugt QigimaiAudio 17 A A 3u s1 3992834653 17 WTV Xuiiio Aéliust 3 DTV Audie Aéijtasi Lip S Igaa 4 EDTVAlaéifi 13 T 3 Rssetziuzifia Made 51 DWPicture Adfiist vessson I2 3iI3 83 ViZ Q 3V4 0XVT1A U33 Manual Adsiaxleied e ic em 2 3ackIjght 510 Brighmess 40 Caiqx 41 Contrasg 11 1iEese1 Piciuxe Mode 45 42 Tim M 1 1 V S aceial Eeatgxus ClosedCaption 39 InputNaming 58 Ltm...

Page 84: ...ixda 3 5 mgznt 93 Ane sa 75 d_ in mmn1 72 Ti 4 _ Adjtxgt m 9 13 7 a 1FI ixdjufiirzxent 78 5 3gmP 72v lupusWam ug S8 FC Piastum Aafiufi 3 f3 55 Sine Tune 71 P33 55 H3 i Pesiiiom 60 3 1 33 F n ti7nnta 1 Positinn 60 22 138 TmwIs 57 Ho m2a1 8izc 6fi I v 5 _ I 1 i c aI I a eg ian n 7 0 V7VA 1 f3 v i1 5 3 1 1P a11d P Q Plnpnm A S a 53 3 R Parfia3 f3hann 3 Scmb t 53 A Skip Chennai 53 Rmow Txme Made 52 Ba...

Page 85: ...esia inzfina CA 92618 You must provide the model sseriai nunher and date of purctxase V1210 Technical Swport is avaiizisfie from 0A é tr 9 00PM Pacific Time Monday ihrough Friéax and 8 fiDAM to 4 80PM cift o 1T Erne aiufday and fleaase hate that hofiday hours may vay For wazto dale iniornzafloq plaasa visit wvM ViZi O om Vizmzreseyves the sight as asses afi vzanranty ciaims and to if defects 0 dam...


Page 87: ...nerallyis perfonned on rep ai r abIe tiispiatrs which are 30 inches and larger if V1239 Suwcriiiaiernineafiflai 3 uviihv dismay mi may be aviihin tems and eortflitsfans 9f1th6 WEI Liifited and an C n si 4e repairrm 13 wit bep rcv c ed with are 85981 au1h ri2afiorunun1ber and on site rapa7v nstrt stimvss LTt e datenniaafionfar aa fos1r iag repair be i 1 m1arza favo urimg derfiactarxd is at Vt2i0 s ...

Page 88: ...acustemer Ma beprwidmwith a return aufhori2af on numberaxd mai in repair irssnucfians Proofof purchase as requiredto comma the product is within thevaone ear fimited wananty periodand masts the termsAa4 1dvcend fions ofmevizifl Limited F mus Wananty The M be provided with instructions for packing and shippirvg the unit to the W210 service center The original car on boxand an equivalent as by must ...

Page 89: ... As V mmm mics V 445 4150 539 551 55 Bang 2 5 245 550560 V 3 3 I ha _s Be aumark 5325 aa3 s 255s 3 451459 mm éwaa 33 W mm C 36 450 539 47 451 452 459 456 483 449536555572 59 0 512 515 525 52 533 53 9 541 542 549 550 551 5 52 556 558 559 573 5 i E é i 1i_l i 3 2 508 89 www ViZlO com V1230 SV 4 OX l F1A 1 seT Mama 554 523 546 562 452 453 4185 488 5013 522 556 578 452459 L 453 El 44 3 449 524 535 544...

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Page 93: ... Moteroia 9 545 3 ii lilfiéiéf 55 V Mac 193 109 1 11 1 131 114 115 115 na 21 122 123 125 125 127 11 23 am 131 132 133 156 1 55 1365 06 068 069 7378 B71 G72 973 9 74 935 976 E Ii max Lave 153 5 Panasumc 1071313 140 134 3z a 661 932 089 1134 109 11123 156 15 E a Tom 59 i 2132 use ems 965334 937 19 21 124149 V 195 1314 087119117 L seams 3353 581 W989 1 7 mm 004 905 s 129 145 W i 1 i 15 G83 G88 091109...

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