English - v
Your new VIZIO Sound Bar is part of the all-new collection of home theater displays, sound
bars and home audio speakers that can all be controlled by one ingenious app: the VIZIO
SmartCast app.
With the app, you can browse online radio, music and more from multiple sources or apps in
one view, without having to switch back and forth between those apps or sources. And then
just tap to cast the content to your VIZIO Sound Bar - from anywhere in your home. It works
over WiFi, so you can control your VIZIO Sound Bar from any room, and keep using your
smartphone or tablet to continue browsing, play games, text or even watch another show,
without disrupting what’s playing on your sound bar. With VIZIO SmartCast, what you love
doesn’t change, but how you experience it will never be the same.
Now let’s get you into setup so you can start casting!
Welcome to VIZIO SmartCast
English - v