How do I connect to my Wi-Fi network?
On your TV remote, press the Menu button then go to Network > Select your
Wi-Fi name > Enter password .
Open the VIZIO SmartCast Mobile™ app on your phone or tablet . Tap on the
device list and select your Display .
Tap on the Settings icon > Network > Wireless Access Points . Select your Wi-Fi
network from the list, enter the Wi-Fi password, and tap Connect .
How do I exit Demo Mode
Press and hold the
INPUT button on the back of the TV to exit the demo mode .
How do I watch Cable/Antenna TV channels?
If you subscribe to cable or satellite, simply connect an HDMI cable (not included)
to the receiver .
If you use external antennas to watch local broadcast channels, use a coaxial
cable to connect .
Some of my Channels are missing .
Press the
MENU button on your TV remote and select the channels option . Then
select Find Channels .
Open the VIZIO SmartCast Mobile app on your phone or tablet .
Click on: Control > Your TV/Device Name > Settings Icon > Channels > Find
Channels .
How do I disable/enable Viewing Data?
Press the
MENU button on your remote and select the System option . Select
Reset & Admin. Then select Viewing Data to turn the feature on or off.
Open the VIZIO SmartCast Mobile app on your phone or tablet .
Click on: Control > Your TV/Device Name > Settings Icon > System > Reset &
Admin > Viewing Data Slider .
The television will not turn on using Alexa or Google Assistant .
Ensure the television is in Quick Start mode .
Tap on Menu > System > Power Mode > Quick Start .
How do I know I am getting 4K resolution or HDR content such as Dolby Vision?
As you are watching content on the television, press the INFO button on the
remote or VIZIO SmartCast Mobile app . You will see the current resolution being
displayed along with the version of video .
HDR will show as a Dolby Vision icon, HDR10 or HLG .