Tighten the locking screws until you feel resistance.
Ensure that monitor/TV is stable on mount.
Comfort adjustment
Tilt properly monitor/TV to have a comfort view TV.
Lock position after adjustment.
Connections & Programming
Using 2-wires cable(„Wire 1”) connect 230VAC power supply to Motion mount.
„Wire 2” controls direct of rotation, using wall switch (in the set) or: Trigger 230V, Trigger 5-30V, IR receiver, RF receiver. Connect
both cables according to scheme above.
After LEADER MOTION is connected to power supply 230VAC, Motion mount will run to „0” Base position.
Press and hold for 3 sec. PROGRAM button – LED diode will light constant light
waiting for adjusting „position A”.
By Press and hold, use switch to rotate motion mount to reach first position of mount and confirm by pressing „position A”
button (LED diode will blink several times). After that, motion mount automatically will run to „0” Base position.
NOTE: While programming, motion mount rotates only in one direction. If you miss your position you have to start programming
Press and hold, use switch to rotate motion mount to reach second position of mount and confirm by pressing „position B”
button (LED diode will blink several times). After that, Motion mount automatically will run to „0” Base position.
To quit programming mode, Press and hold for 3 sec. PROGRAM button (LED diode will stop light). You left programming mode.