Pan Mount Head
Quick Release Screw type, 1/4 inch threads screw
Altitude Fine Adjustment Range
About +/- 15 degrees, 3.7 degrees per rotation
Latitude Settings
Low : Between 0 degree and 30 degrees
Middle : Between 30 degrees and 60 degrees
High : Between 60 degrees and 85 degrees
Azimuth Fine Adjustment Range
About +/- 15 degrees, 5.7 degrees per rotation
Maximum Loading Weight
About 7kg (15.4 lb
Screw Sockets
For a camera tripod with 1/4 or 3/8 inch thread screws
Use with
POLARIE, AP Polar axis bracket
Materials used mostly
Aluminum alloy, stainless steel
51mm x 73mm x 49mm (2” x 2.8” x 1.9”)
About 300g (About 10.58 oz)
Changing the Screw Socket
I t i s p o s s i b l e t o c h a n g e t h e 1/4 i n c h
thread screw socket on the bottom of the
P O L A R I E FA u n i t s t o u s e a c a m e r a
tripod with 3/8 inch thread screw.
R e m ove t h e 1/4 i n c h t h r e a d s c r ew
socket on the bottom of the POLARIE
FA unit using the supplied screwdriver
for camera screw socket as shown in
the figure.
Screw down the 3/8 inch thread screw
socket and tighten it securely with the
Fine Adjustment Bolts
The fine adjustment bolts are used for
polar alignment in your set up of POLARIE
(or AP star tracker).
A p a i r of t h e a l t i t u d e f i n e a d j us t m e nt
bolts is used to adjust the elevation of
t h e p o l a r a x i s t o b e p a r a l l e l t o t h e
Earth’s axis.
A pa ir of the a zimuth fine ad jus tment
bolts is used to adjust the direction of
the polar axis to be angled to the Earth’ s
Loosening one side of the adjustment
b o l t w i l l a l l o w y o u t o t i g h t e n t h e
a d j u s t m e n t b o l t o n t h e o t h e r s i d e t o
m o v e t h e p a n m o u n t h e a d f o r f i n e
adjustments (within the range of +/- 15
Azimuth Fine Adjustment
4mm Allen
Altitude Fine Adjustment
Using the POLARIE Fine Adjustment unit
POLARIE Fine Adjustment Unit
Changing the Latitude Zone
The POLARIE FA unit is set for use with
the POLARIE (or AP star tracker) in the
m i d d l e l a t i t u d e z o n e b e t w e e n 3 0
d e g r e e s a n d 6 0 d e g r e e s . I f y o u r
observing site is lower or higher than the
range of the middle latitude zone, you
n e e d t o c h a n g e t h e c u r r e n t l a t i t u d e
s e t t i n g t o m a t c h t h e l a t i t u d e o f y o u r
observing site. The latitude zone can be
c han ge d in three p os iti ons ac c ordin g
your necessity.
High latitude
60 degrees up to 85 degrees
Middle latitude
30 degrees up to 60 degrees
Low latitude
0 degree up to 30 degrees
L a t i t u d e Z o n e
Remove the equipment from the pan mount
head of the POLARIE FA unit for safety.
There is a socket cap screw on one side
(near the altitude adjustment screws) of
t h e P O L A R I E FA u n i t . L o o s e n a n d
remove the socket cap screw with the
supplied 4mm Allen wrench.
You will see a threaded hole where the
socket cap screw was removed from. Tilt the POLARIE FA unit in front
(upper) or behind (lower) by holding the pan mount head so that you
can shift from the center hole to one of the other two holes to match
your latitude zone. The upper hole corresponds to the low latitude
zone and the lower hole corresponds to the high latitude zone.
While holding the pan mount head, insert the socket cap screw removed in
above, in the hole that corresponds to your latitude zone. Screw
down the socket cap screw with the Allen wrench and tighten it securely.
Now the latitude zone setting is finished and the POLARIE FA unit is
ready to use.