VIVOTEK - Built with Reliability
40 - User's Manual
List of preset positions
Focus far
Focus near
Starts patrol
Zoom out
Zoom in
Speed selector
1. PTZ control: Click on the arrow buttons to move towards the direction you wish to
move to.
2. Focus: Click on the Focus near and Focus far buttons to adjust camera focus.
3. Zoom: Use the Zoom in and Zoom out buttons to adjust the camera's zoom ratio.
4. Presets: If you configured preset positions, a list of preset positions will appear.
5. Speed: Adjusts the speed when moving across the field of view.
6. Patrol: If you configured preset positions into a patrolling tour, click on this button
and the camera will proceed with patrolling through the preset points.
Below is the PTZ panel that appears with ordinary PTZ cameras.
This portal appears with a fisheye camera. The PiP and PTZ
buttons will then be disabled.
Due to the limitation of system resources, the fisheye dewarp (1R & 1P) can
only take place on one view cell, for one fisheye camera.