Vivotek ST3401 Specification Download Page 2

16 channels

Vivotek video server


VS3100, VS3102

Vivotek network camera

-IP3111, IP3121, IP3112, IP3122, IP3132, IP3133
-PT3112, PT3122, PT3113, PT3123, PT3114, PT3124

-Supported OS: Microsoft Windows 98 SE, ME,
2000, XP

, Vista

-CPU: Intel Pentium IV 2GHZ
-Memory: 256MB SDRAM
-Display chip: nVidia TNT, TNT2, GeForce series with 32MB
  display memory;  ATI Radeon series with 32MB display
  memory(Windows XP, 2000 only)

MPEG4 (short header mode)

NTSC: 1~30 frames per second
PAL: 1~25 frames per second

AVI file with synchronized audio/video,
printer, bitmap for snapshot

NTSC: 176x120, 352x240
PAL: 176x144, 352x288
CMOS:160x120, 320x240

Three detection windows for each channel with intelligent
adaptive motion detection by modifying the sensitivity and
object size

Manual control, event driven, scheduled
Video only, audio only, or both

Date, time interval, and event triggering with preview for
every camera

Play, Stop, Pause, Fast Forward, Slow Forward, Pull-bar,
Zoom in, Zoom out  

Available from 1/16~16 times speed

Monitoring 16 channels I/O
In-image motion detection indication
Local warning sound 

Refer to Vivotek web site for a list of supported devices

-Channel Numbers

-Supported Devices

-System Requirement Recommendation

-Video Compression Type

-Frame Rate

-Motion Detection





-Alarm Features

-Exporting Format




All specifications are subject to change without notice.
All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.

V I V O T E K   I N C .

6F ,   N o. 192,   L ien-C heng  R d. ,   C hung-H o,   T a ipei  C ounty,   T a iwa n
T el  :   +886  2  82455282                           
F a x:   +886  2  82455532
E -ma il  :   s a les @ vivotek. com     
H ttp:   //www. vivotek. com

Technical Specifications

