You may also call our technical support line for assistance. Before you call, please…
Review the Owner’s Manual and Quick Start guide.
Determine if your problem is related to your camera, or your computer
Check the camera for basic operations.
Does it turn-on?
Can you take a picture, and review it on the LCD display?
If the camera operates, captures images, and displays images on the LCD, the camera
is functioning correctly.
If you cannot get your camera and PC to connect, please consult your PC
manufacturer, or consult a local PC technician and have your serial or USB ports
checked. Our technical support staff can help you with your camera, but are not able
to give expert advice regarding the configuration of your PC.
We offer toll-free technical support for thirty days. Technical Support is available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. We offer free support for a period of 30 days, limited to
three calls. You may reach technical support at (800)-532-3286. After thirty days, or
three calls, you may obtain assistance by calling (949)-595-2199.
You may also obtain support via our website at www.vivitar.com. On our website we
post driver updates, frequently asked questions, and other helpful information. There
is also a knowledge-based help system to guide you through any problems and
questions you may have.
8.4 Usage Environment
The recommended operating temperature of the camera is 32 to 104 F (0 to 40C)
Exercise caution when moving between areas with extreme changes in temperature
and humidity. Condensation may form on the lens and optical viewfinder.
Avoid exposing the ports and CF card slot to dust and moisture.
Do not expose the camera to extreme shock or vibration.
Exercise caution when cleaning the lens and optical viewfinder components. Use
only lens cleaners and lens tissue.
8.5 Troubleshooting
8.5.1 The Reset Button
The V2800 is essentially a small computer. It has a processor and an
operating system just like your PC, but on a smaller scale. Like a
computer, the V2800 can get confused and “hang” occasionally. To
remedy this situation you may “re-boot” the V2800 by pressing the reset