free flex, User manual & Installation guide
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Remove and insert iPad
free flex can be either installed vertically or horizontally
free flex in landscape position:
Put the iPad from the left on the
guide rail. Slide it to the right to the Lightning connector. Push it until
you hear a
click tone
that indicates the safe hold of the iPad.
free flex in portrait position:
Put the iPad from the upper left on the
vertical guide rail. Slide it to the bottom to the Lightning connector.
Push it until you hear a
click tone
that indicates the safe hold of the
All surfaces and edges are fitted with felt or slip tapes to protect your
iPad from scratches and damage.
free flex security options
The viveroo free has an optional locking system to prevent the iPad
from being stolen. The security option has a seperate operations
manual that is attached to a viveroo free element with the security
option. The locking system can be retrofitted autonomous.
Maximum freedom
The viveroo free flex gives the user maximum flexibility in its use.
flex tilt
: Intensity adjustable with the 5mm Allen key
flex rotate
: Intensity adjustable with the 2,5 mm Allen key
flex turn
: Remove the upper middle felt cover point and loose the
screw with the help of the 5mm Allen key. It is now possible to change
between landscape and portrait mode. A 90 ° stop ensures the perfect
final position of the frame after turning. Tighten the screw again after
finding the correct postion for your use.
flex turn
flex tilt
flex rotate