Instruction and operating guideline CO-detector
VCD2 CO-Detector
Transmitter Error Condition
Any time the error condition is set, the output will be forced to 21 mA and the
LED will be held on. Carry out the Reset function to reset the sensor.
Reset to Factory Calibration
Remove loop power from transmitter.
Hold down the program button and connect loop power to transmitter.
The LED will blink as soon as power is applied (approx. 2 Hz). The
transmitter output is now set to 21 mA.
Releasing the program button will start an 8 second timeout period.
After 8 seconds, the factory calibration will overwrite the user calibration.
The LED will clear and the transmitter will return to normal mode.
Handling and Storage
Electrochemical sensors are relatively insensitive to mishandling. Following the
simple guidelines given below should ensure correct operation.
Sensors may be stored for up to six months. They should be kept sealed in the
containers in which they were supplied in clean dry air at 0 - 20°C.
Sensors should not be stored in areas containing solvent vapours. All
electrochemical sensors are unsuitable for use in applications where organic
solvent vapours are present as exposure may inhibit performance.
Sensors must not be subjected to any pressure when handling or clamping.
MSDS’s can be provided for all City Technology products, detailing their
hazardous content. The hazardous waste disposal regulations depend on
geographic location, and local regulations should be checked before discarding
the sensors.
By the nature of the technology used, any electrochemical or
catalytic bead sensor can potentially fail to meet specification without warning.
Although City Technology makes every effort to ensure the reliability of our
products of this type, where life safety is a performance requirement of the
product, and where practical we recommend that all sensors and instruments
using these sensors are checked for response to gas before use