Line Width Adjustment
The width of the line is adjusted by raising or lowering the spray arm until the desired width is obtained.
This is adjusted by unscrewing the hand wheel on the spray arm clamp and adjusting the height and spray
nozzle position as required. The TFS25 is also supplied with a marking shield, which is also adjustable
(see fig3 on page 13), and can be used to help define a line.
Marking your First Lines
To familiarise yourself with the operation of the machine it is worthwhile to use a suitable area where the
operation can be rehearsed. The spray nozzle is connected to an instant shut-off valve, which is activated
by the pressure generated as soon as the pump starts working. As soon as the switch is switched to the on
position, a fan of liquid will come from the spray nozzle and as soon as the switch is switched to the off
position the fan will stop instantly without drips.
The pitch to be lined out should be planned and possibly stringed out in advance (or similar) and the
TFS25 should be adjusted to your satisfaction prior to use. When spraying, you should walk at a
consistent pace and ensure that you do not step on the line after it is sprayed, as this may result in a series
of white footprints. This might require a bit of practice.
Marking circles
The wheels of the TFS25 are configured so the front wheels are inset by about a half wheel width
compared to the back wheels, and with the simple addition of an in-line eyelet on the front wheel,
marking centre circles has been made easier.
When spraying lines at 90 degrees to recently sprayed lines it is
advisable to stop the machine when its wheels are just in front
of the existing line and “walk” the wheels over the line to avoid
the wheels becoming contaminated with marking liquid that
hasn’t dried. As a guide you could expect Supaturf line
marking liquids to dry within 15 to 20 minutes in direct hot
sunshine but this could take considerably longer subject to
prevailing weather conditions. It is best to be cautious.
When the machine is on site and not in use, do not leave
the machine unattended. Ensure the machine is not left on a
slope, as it is not fitted with a parking brake.
If the machine is going to be lifted onto a vehicle after line marking for use at another site, the
tank/drum should be emptied and the machine lifted by two people. Alternatively loading ramps
may be used to ensure the operator's safety.