Make sure all channel knobs are turned off (counterclockwise to the left and all switches are
OFF/Down) before turning on/plugging in the EMS unit.
Be sure to have a good contact between your skin and the electrodes with the electrodes from the
same channel 1-2” apart.. When using the non-adhesive rubber electrodes, be sure to use water or a
conductive gel as a conductive agent use the straps to hold the rubber pads on the skin. Do not force
the Lead Wire connectors into the corresponding female socket on the EMS unit (Forcing will damage
the unit).
Start with the REST and STIM times set to 20 seconds. This is about 20 seconds on 20 off. The
channel intensity control knobs should be turned all the way off (counter clockwise to 0)/
Set the channel control knobs as you are being stimulated
(light on the top of the unit is on
This gives you a better feeling of the contractions and you can adjust the knob up or down for
comfort. The channel control knobs should be set at zero (0) counterclockwise to the left when
starting/connecting the unit.
Set the FREQUENCY to the fifth notch. This is about 50 pulses per second and should be
comfortable. If not, adjust to the next notch or adjust the knob until you find a frequency that is
comfortable for you.
DO NOT OVER STIMULATE. Only use the EMS unit for 5 - 10 minutes at a time for the first few
days. You can then gradually increase to longer intervals. To much stimulation in the beginning can
make your muscles sore, much like going to the gym and lifting weights that are too heavy for you.
We do not subscribe to or promote the “No pain, no gain” myth.
CONTACT US if you have a problem or question. We generally can solve 99% of the problems over
the telephone or by e-mail. (
) We are here to answer any questions that will
allow you optimize the effectiveness of your NEW VITAL EMS unit.
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Place a large Velcro strap across the upper back, going under the arm
pits. Draw an imaginary line down the center of the back. Using one
channel, place the pads on the right side of the centerline. Put one pad
one inch from the centerline, and the other pad ¼” to the right. Now
repeat the process for the left side using a different channel. Make sure
the 2 center pads are about one inch from the center of the back. This
will give you a 2-inch space between the pads on either side of the back.
You are now ready to adjust the unit for stimulation.
Use the small Velcro straps and place around the center of the calf
muscle. Place large or small pads on either side of the center of the
calf muscle. Make sure there is a ¼” separation between the pads.
You are now ready to adjust the unit for stimulation.
Use 1 large strap and 2 medium straps. Place the large strap around the
buttock and the 2 medium straps around the upper leg about 1 inch below
the buttock. Using any channel, place 1 pad on one side of the buttock and
the other pad just below it on the leg. Using a different channel do the
same thing on the other side. You are now ready to adjust for stimulation.
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