should be active before advancing to the next Cue by setting the hold time. If
the hold time is set to 0, the Cue is set to Halt and will not automatically go
to the next Cue.
Linking Cues
When going to a new cue (whether by a manual ’Go+’ or automatically by
setting a hold time) then by default the next cue will be run, as shown in figure
Figure 6.2: Normal cue order
You can change this by setting the ’Link+’ field other than ’none’. When
set to a number, this cue will go to this specified cue number as the next cue.
You can use the link field to create loops/chases. See figure 6.3.
Figure 6.3: Using Link+
When you press the ’Go-’ button you will go to the previous cue, however,
similar to the ’Link+’ field, you can use the ’Link-’ field to specify a cue to
go-back to. Using both link fields you can create a bi-directional loop by which
the user could step through a set of cues by using just two buttons (e.g. 2
physical switches connected via the GPI port that control the ’Go-’ and ’Go+’
). As illustrated in figure 6.4.
Figure 6.4: Using Link+ and Link-