For each GPI port’s pin the signal is held up by an internal pull-up resistor
and results in a logic ’0’. The external equipment is intended to short the port’s
pin to the provided ground pin. This short will create a logic ’1’.
Please refer to figure 2.3 for the pinout of the GPI connector.
Figure 2.3: GPI Pinout
Programming events based on GPI activity is done in the Show Control page,
which is discussed on page 27. If your project requires more than 4 GPI contacts
then you can expand the GPI ports by connecting one or more IoCore modules
to your CueCore1. The module can be connected through OSC, UDP, Art-Net
or DMX.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a simple protocol for sending messages across
the network. It is supported by various media devices like video projectors and
Show Controllers. It does not incorporate error checking, therefor it is faster
than TCP but less reliable.
The CueCore1 responds to incoming UDP messages by programming custom
messages in the Show Control page (see page 27). This is also the place where
to program outgoing UDP messages.