Demonstration Kit
Qty 1 DK-2950 Demo Case
Qty 1 DK- 250 250W, 12V Transformer including stand
Qty 6 DK- 2216 Demo kit 2216 uplight
Qty 6 GS- 150 9” ABS ground stake
Qty 4 DK-1-10-1 10’ , 12 ga. Low-voltage cable with
quick-connectors on both ends
Qty 4 DK-1-3 Low-voltage, 3-way quick-connect/
Qty 1 DK-CAP Photocell cap
Qty 3 290-0075 Replacement thumbscrew for securing
stand legs
Model Numbers and Descriptions of Parts
Optional Accessories
DK- 2216 Demo kit 2216 uplight
DKL-2216 Color lens kit for DK-2216
DK-2219 Demo kit 2219 uplight
DKL-2219 Color lens kit for DK-2219
DK-1-10-1 10’ , 12 ga. Low-voltage cable with quick-connectors on both ends
DK-1-20-1 20’ Low-voltage quick-connect cable extension (1 to 1)
DK-1-3 Low-voltage, 3-way quick-connect/splitter
DK-1-5 Low-voltage, 5-way quick-connect/splitter
1625 Surveyor Avenue
Simi Valley, CA 93063
(805) 527-0987
(800) 766-VISTA (8478)
FAX: (888) 670-VISTA (8478) • [email protected] • www.vistapro.com
Prescored sections for optional fixtures
PDK-250 (08/04)