Infant Protection Bracelet – User Guide ___________________________________________________________________________________________
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Preparing the Bracelet for Usage
Hold the tag with the back side face down in one
hand, and the disposable tamper band in the other.
Place the snap-on cap on the tag. Make sure to
match the wide edge of the cap to the wide edge
of the tag. Then verify that the tag is active.
Attaching the Bracelet
Place the bracelet around the baby’s ankle such that
the cap part of the
disposable tamper band is always
on top.
Using the grip key, adjust the band length as
needed to obtain a snug fit around the baby's ankle.
Then remove the grip key by turning it counter-
Finally position the bracelet on the baby's ankle as
shown here
Removing the Bracelet
Using baby-safe scissors cut one of the two tamper wires (around the ankle) as close as
possible to the tag.
It is highly recommended to perform a match test between the Mother tag and Infant
Protection Bracelet before removing the bracelet and releasing the mother with the baby
(Refer to the Nurse Station BabyMatch III Users Guide for more information).
Removing the Disposable Tamper Band
Push the tag gently through the Extractor Tool
until it clicks into place.
Press on the cap and release the tag with your
other hand, thereby removing the disposable
tamper band from the Rechargeable Tag. Then
safely discard the Disposable Kit.
Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures
Clean the Rechargeable Tag (with the snap-on cap attached) by using the appropriate
antibacterial solution.
Do not remove the used snap-on cap prior to cleaning (this allows the contacts to remain free
of cleaning solutions, shorts, etc).
Remove the used Disposable Tamper Band and with a soft cloth or a wipe, clean the top
part of the Rechargeable Tag.
Tag Recharging
Check that the LEDs are OFF before inserting tag in Battery Charger’s cradle. If the
green LED is ON, wait 5 seconds for it to turn OFF.
Snap the tag into the Charger to lock it into position. If the Rechargeable Tag is placed
incorrectly in the Charger, it will not snap into place.
Refer to the Charger’s user guide for additional Instructions.