Vision-64 User Guide
Issue 1.03
2002-2005 Digflex Pty Ltd
System > System Testing >
Battery Test
MENU 7-9-1
This menu allows you to manually test the systems back up battery.
The Vision-64 will automatically test the battery once per day and
every time the system is armed.
The battery test can take up to two minutes to complete and the
keypad will display the voltage of the battery during the test.
1. Press [MENU] + [7] + [9] + [2].
The keypad will display the battery voltage whilst under test:
Battery test in progress.
Please wait..
Voltage = 13.4V
To Go Back Press OK
If the battery has passed the test, the keypad will display:
Battery test Passed.
Press OK to continue
If the battery has failed the test, the keypad will display:
Battery test Failed.
Please Call for Service.
Press OK to continue
2. Press [OK] to exit.