VA6x User’s Reference
Rev 06; 7 April 2011
Camera Configuration
The “IPD Camera and Language Selector” allows you to change the camera type (Analog, Fire-
wire, GigE, and Virtual or image sequence) for the iNspect/iLabel applications (not for Sher-
lock). If a saved Solution is not compatible with the selected camera, it will not load or run.
The iNspect/iLabel applications use a generic Genie camera file “GEVtest.txt” in the D:\iNspect
directory, and an IO file GIOtest.txt in the same directory. You can change settings in the iNspect
or iLabel application. The settings and image size are saved in the Solution file. Camera settings
are sent to the camera when a saved Solution is loaded. The Solution will not load if the camera
type and image size does not match. You would only need to alter the GEVtest.txt or GIOtest.txt
files to change the Trigger or Strobe signal polarity. The commented lines in these two files ex-
plain how to do this.
The “Sapera Acquisition Wizard” identifies all available Genie Cameras, and creates a file “Sap-
eraLTDrv.ini” that identifies them in Sherlock, and (optionally) points to Camera Configuration
files. Several example camera files are included on the VA61. The Sherlock application uses the
settings stored in the camera, or in camera configuration files. You can change settings for Trig-
ger, Strobe, Exposure, White Balance, Gain, Black Level, using the CamExpert utility. You can
use the Sherlock program instructions to change Gain, Exposure (shutter time) or Strobe pulse
width (IO:Camera:SetNumberFeature).
The “VA-Genie Camera Setup” utility configures the VA61 I/O Connector, connecting the Genie
Camera strobe and trigger from the 15-pin connectors to the 25-pin Connector. The driver default
(no configuration file) is separate triggers for each camera, and strobe outputs disabled. There are
example “GIO” configuration files included on the VA61, in the VAGenie\Config directory. The
file in use is selected by the IFCDrv.ini file. The file selected by the factory installation is usually
“GIO2Trig2Strobe.txt” which enables separate triggers for each camera and both strobe outputs
enabled. The GIO configuration can also be used to change the trigger and strobe signal polarity.
1. You have launched iNspect or iLabel, but you do not see an image on the display.
a. Verify the acquisition heartbeat is flashing. If it is not, a connection problem is likely.
Verify the cables again.
b. Verify that the lens aperture is not closed.