1. Weak TV Signal
This produces a Snowy picture which can be caused if you are too far away from the TV
transmitter, such as in a remote area, positioned in a valley, or if there is a building, hill or other
obstruction blocking the signal.
Each TV transmitter has a defined service area where reception will be good. Beyond that
boundary is a fringe area where the TV signal will be weaker and the reception quality poorer.
Firstly determine whether you are in a poor reception area. Secondly check the points covered in
Fault Finding
2. TV Signal too strong
This can produce severe picture distortion like a zig-zag style pattern. This can be caused when
you are too close to a transmitter or picking up strong radio transmissions from another source
such as CB radio. Also electrical interference can cause similar effects (see Interference 4 below).
Turn the gain control switch on the Power Pack to LO. Secondly check the points covered in
3. Ghosting
This is the type of picture you will see when the TV signal is reflected from something in your
locality. The something may be a local building or landmark. Your antenna is receiving both the
direct signal and the reflected signal from the same transmitter.
Adjust the direction of the antenna or try to move to a better position away from the obstruction.
Unfortunately it may not always be possible to isolate your antenna from the cause of the
4. Electrical Interference
The above pictures demonstrate a typical example of electrical interference. This type of interfer-
ence is commonly caused by electrical appliances, such as fans, electric shavers, fluorescent lights.
Other forms of interference can produce a zig-zag pattern similar to that described in Interference
2 which may be caused by inverters, charging units etc.
Check the points covered in
Fault Finding
. In some instances, this type of interference can be
overcome by switching off the relevant appliances.
Installation and Operation Guide
Please read these instructions carefully. Incorrect
installation will affect the performance of your Status
Antenna Dome Length
Width-telescopics in
width-telescopics out 1045mm
Mounting Foot Diameter
150 mm
No Antenna Dome
50 mm
Power Pack
115 x 70 x 50mm
04-3000/5 Model 485mm mast 2m Coaxial cable
04-3000/10 Model 920mm mast 5m Coaxial cable
Frequency Range
UHF 470-860 MHz
VHF 40 -230 MHz
FM 88 -108 MHz
Antenna Forward Gain
Amplifier Gain
18 db*
Gain Adjustment
15 db
1.5 db
Noise Figure
3 db
Output Impedence
75 ohms
98 dbuv
Power Supply
12-24 v DC
Power Consumption
35 ma
TV lead
2 metres
the ANT-IN socket. If the LED then illuminates the fault lies
with either the coaxial plug or the coaxial cable, please refer
to these areas described earlier.
If the LED is still not lit, please contact our office for further
Short Hook Up Test
This test isolates parts of your system leaving only the TV and
the Status antenna linked directly together.
Firstly, unplug the coaxial plugs from the TV-FM sockets of
the Power Pack which will be connected to a TV outlet
With your TV fly lead, connect your TV direct to the Power
Pack, plugging into one of the TV-FM sockets.
Ensure the antenna dome is plugged directly into the ANT-IN
socket of the Power Pack and switch on. Tune in your TV for
the strongest signal.
If the picture quality is improved the fault lies with the wiring
of the system between the Power Pack and the TV outlet
Antenna Dome Coaxial Cable
Check the routing of the coaxial cable from the Antenna
Dome to the Power Pack. Check to ensure there are no kinks
or trapped cable or if there are loops of surplus cable which
could be affecting performance.
Customer Help Line
Should you still be experiencing difficulties and require
assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at
the address below.
The following are some of the key areas we suggest you check
which generally solve the most common problems encoun-
tered with the operation of the Status antenna.
Coaxial Plugs
It is critical that all coaxial plugs in the system are fitted
correctly. Using the diagram and procedure described over the
page, please check each individual plug, ensuring it is wired
correctly. Secondly please ensure only quality plugs have been
Coaxial Cable
Sharp bends, kinks and hot surfaces can easily damage coaxial
cable and should be avoided. An inspection of the cable
routing is recommended to ensure all is correct. Coaxial cable,
if placed in close proximity to electrical cables, transformers or
other pieces of electrical equipment, may pick up electrical
interference causing picture quality to deteriorate, especially in
poor reception areas. Excess cable should be removed and
NOT coiled as this may cause picture distortion.
Gain Switch
Situated below the LED light on the Power Pack, this switch
should be set to the normal NML (switch UP) position for
general use. The Low setting may be used when situated
close to TV transmitters where strong signals may be affecting
the quality of the picture. (see Interference2 below)
Red LED Light
Should the red LED on the Power Pack not light, first try
unplugging the cable connected to the Antenna Dome from
Buckleys Caravans
St Josephs Road
County Cork
T: 022 22157
F: 022 43364
12 - 24vDC
Gain figures must not be judged in isolation. A greater figure does
not mean a better picture. Status is designed for optimum
Conforms to the European Directive
Purchase Date
Serial Number
Dealer Name
Your Name