Information about the Instructions of Use
1.2 Improper Use
All unintended use and all device-related activities not described in these
instructions of use is to be deemed as unauthorised misuse outside the legal
limits of indemnity of the manufacturer.
Reasonably foreseeable misuse is:
Non-compliance with the instructions for use,
Faulty operation,
Operating by personnel not qualified or instructed,
Operating the device if it is not in a proper technical condition,
Operating the device in ambient conditions differing from the corresponding
specifications in the instructions of use
Operating the device with voltages differing from the corresponding
specifications in the instructions of use,
Using spare parts which are not original parts from the manufacturer,
Using incompatible accessory components,
Improper maintenance and repair works,
Unauthorised modifications to the device.
1.3 Qualified Personnel
The device may only be assembled, commissioned, operated, maintained,
installed, set up, cleaned, repaired and transported by qualified skilled
A qualified person is deemed to be someone who has been trained and
instructed for his/her activities with the device, and who has proven his/her
capability to the purchaser. The operating personnel must be authorised by the
purchaser for those activities at the device.
For the installation and operation of the device, the skilled personnel must
know and comply with the applicable guidelines and standards for handling
control equipment, electrical installations and working materials.
© Vision & Control GmbH 2019