V I S A M T O U C H P A N E L V T P - B C 7 0 / 1 0 0 -
1 5
Touchscreen Calibration
It is possible to recalibrate the Touchscreen controller of the VTP from time to
time. A recalibration is needed if the mouse cursor is not displayed at the touch
point, but at a different position.
To calibrate select from the Start-Menu: „Settings“ >> Control Panel and then
the program „Stylus“.
A window with two tabs opens.
Figure 10 Touchscreen Calibration
Double-Tap – setting up the double-click speed
Calibration – to recalibrate the touchscreen
Follow the instructions on the screen and touch the corresponding calibration
points successively on the touchscreen.
Save your settings by saving the „Registry“ as described in the
section „Save Changes to settings permanently”!