7936 Camino Circle
Miami, FL 33143
The information in this document is intended to provide guidance when
using Sennheiser D 10 wireless headsets with the Vitalinq 94A-07 Cath
Lab communication system. Illustrations shown in these instructions were
taken from the Sennheiser Instruction Manual.
For a description of all
the features specific to the headset and for important safety
information, please refer to the manual that is included in your
wireless headset packaging.
Should you require additional information
or have any questions, please call Vis-A-Vis Customer Service at
800-319-6014 or email [email protected].
Option 1 - Using a Wireless Headset with the Headset Jack
A Sennheiser D 10 wireless headset can be plugged into either of the two jacks labeled “Headset” on
the front of the console instead of using a corded headset at these locations
Please note that if you are also using a desk microphone, it must be plugged
into the jack on the rear of the console on the opposite side from the headset.
1) Locate the “Sennheiser Crossover Cable” (P/N: SCC0312). This cable is made by
Vis-A-Vis and will be included with your wireless headset when purchased from Vis-
It is not a a Sennheiser cable.
This cable has an RJ45 (ethernet)
connector on one end and a RJ9 connector on the other end.
2) Plug the end of the cable with the RJ9 connector into one of the two jacks labeled
“Headset” on the front of the console. Plug the other end of the cable with the RJ45 connector into the jack
labeled “Phone” on the rear of the Sennheiser wireless headset base station (color
coded green).
3) Adjust the Microphone volume on the rear of the base station to approx. 6. This can
be fine tuned later as needed.
Last Revised: November 8, 2016
Supplemental Instructions
Using Sennheiser D 10 Wireless Headsets
with the Vitalinq 94A-07 Communication System