Pairing Process:
1. Press the trigger to activate the scanner.
2. Trigger Scanner about 6 seconds (one long beep and
Blue LED fast flash) to disconnect the scanner from the
paired device to be ready for pairing another device.
3. Reading the setting barcode
Of SPP or HID.
(HID is for Manufacture default)
CABLE Online Mode:
The scanner provides another way to transmit data
beside BT mode. Connecting Micro USB cable is to
switch from BT mode to Cable online mode and also in
battery charger.
Memory Mode:
1. Memory Mode setting: Switch BT mode to
Memory Mode
2. Data Upload setting: Transmitting barcode data in
Memory Mode
3. Clear All Saved Data setting: Erase all barcode
data saved in Memory mode
4. To Bluetooth mode setting: Switching from
Memory mode to Bluetooth mode
5. Total Storage quantity:
Check the amount of
memory storage