© Virtual Access 2017
GW7304 Series User Manual
Issue: 1.9
Page 64 of 336
Router file structure
This section describes the file structure and location of essential directories and files on
Virtual Access routers.
Throughout this document, we use information tables to show the different ways to
configure the router using the router’s web interface and command line (CLI).
When showing examples of the command line interface we use the host name
‘VA_router’ to indicate the system prompt. For example, the table below displays what
the user should see when entering the command to show the current configuration in
use on the router:
root@VA_router:~# va_config.sh
System information
General information about software and configuration used by the router is displayed on
the Status page. To view the running configuration file status on the web interface, in
the top menu, select Status -> Overview. This page also appears immediately after
you have logged in.
Figure 42: The status page
System information is also available from the CLI if you enter the following command:
root@VA_router:~# va_vars.sh