Virtavia E-2C Hawkeye
Manual Version 1.0
1. Check Autopilot OFF.
2. Check Wings Spread.
3. Set Pitot Heat ON.
4. Set flaps to takeoff (normal 25 %, 100 % if catapult launched).
5. Set nose-up Pitch Trim as required.
6. Brakes ON, maximum power CHECK.
7. Throttles to IDLE, Brakes OFF.
8. Set Holdback using shift-i (carrier take-off only).
9. Set Prop Pitch COARSE (default FSX setting, ctrl-F4 if needed).
10. Apply power smoothly to full throttle.
11. Press shift-spacebar to trigger catapult (carrier take-off only)
12. Begin Rotation at approx. 100 KTS IAS (land take-off only).
After Takeoff
1. When airborne, raise GEAR.
2. At 125 KTS raise FLAPS.
3. Allow the aircraft to accelerate to normal climb speed 154 KTS.
1. Level off at desired cruise altitude.
2. Reduce throttle setting.
3. Adjust speed to cruise at 260 KTS.
4. Use autopilot to set cruise parameters (shift-2).
1. Begin descent 40 miles from the airfield or carrier.
2. Check Pitot Heat ON.
3. Set descent rate and speed as desired using the autopilot (shift-2).
1. Set Autopilot OFF.
2. Check Parking Brake OFF.
3. Set Altimeter Baro Pressure to match landing zone pressure.
4. Lower Landing Gear BELOW 190 KTS.
5. Enter downwind leg at 175 KTS.
6. Set Flaps to 25%.
7. Check AOA Indexer to maintain correct attitude.
8. Lower Arresting Hook (if required).