VIPP423 / VIPP425
Coffee tables
A Vipp product is crafted from a design heritage dating back to 1939, where the
quality of our products is measured on their ability to provide experiences out
of the ordinary. Vipp’s venture into architectural projects like the Vipp Hotel
has prompted the desire to develop a line of Vipp furniture to inhabit these
spaces. Designed and manufactured by Vipp, the coffee table is uniquely co-
herent combining solid, high-quality materials and refined detailing.
Just like the first Vipp pedal bin from 1939, this table is timeless in its aesthe-
tics, highly tested in its function, and valued for the joy inherent in its daily use.
We hope you will enjoy your Vipp coffee table for many years to come.
Kasper Egelund
CEO of Vipp and grandson of founder, Holger Nielsen