Operator's Manual
Viper Engine, 159cc
Check for parts online at
or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5
Operator's Manual
Viper Engine, 159cc
Check for parts online at
or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5
To PReVenT AccIdenTAl sTARTInG:
AVoId InjuRY! enGIne MusT Be TuRned
off And cool And sPARk PluG WIRe MusT
Be ReMoVed fRoM sPARk PluG BefoRe
cHeckInG And AdjusTInG enGIne oR
eQuIPMenT .
AVoId InjuRY! TeMPeRATuRe of MuffleR
And neARBY AReAs MAY exceed 150° f (65°
c) . AVoId THese AReAs .
AVoId InjuRY! cHeck enGIne ofTen foR
loose nuTs And BolTs . keeP THese ITeMs
TIGHTened .
do noT Refuel WHIle sMokInG, neAR oPen
flAMe, oR oTHeR PoTenTIAl HAzARds .
fuel Is HIGHlY flAMMABle And MusT Be
HAndled WITH cARe . neVeR fIll THe TAnk
WHen THe enGIne Is HoT oR RunnInG . Al-
WAYs MoVe ouTdooRs To fIll THe TAnk .
fuel And fuel VAPoRs ARe HIGHlY flAM-
MABle And MusT Be HAndled WITH cARe .
neVeR fIll THe TAnk WHen THe enGIne
Is HoT oR RunnInG . AlWAYs MoVe ouT-
dooRs To fIll THe TAnk . do noT use PRes-
suRIzed sTARTInG fluIds .
fuel RecoMMendATIons
Use clean, fresh, regular unleaded gasoline with a
minimum of octane.
• These engines are certified to operate on unleaded
gasoline. Unleaded gasoline produces fewer engine
and spark plug deposits and extends exhaust system
• Never use stale or contaminated gasoline or an
oil/gasoline mixture. Avoid getting dirt or water in the
fuel tank.
• Occasionally, you may hear a light ‘‘spark knock’’ or
‘‘pinging’’ (metallic rapping noise) while operating
under heavy loads. This is no cause for concern.
• If spark knock or pinging occurs at a steady engine
speed, under a normal load, change gasoline brands.
If spark knock or pinging persists, see an authorized
servicing dealer.
fuel tank capacity
1PFA : 1.L (0. US Gal, 0. Imp Gal)
fAIlInG To coRRecT A PRoBleM BefoRe oP-
eRATIon, could cAuse A MAlfuncTIon In
WHIcH You could Be seRIouslY InjuRed .
AlWAYs PeRfoRM A PReoPeRATIon InsPec-
TIon BefoRe eAcH oPeRATIon, And coR-
RecT AnY PRoBleM .