Manual VIPA TM-E
Chapter 3
Deployment TM-E
HB39E - TME - RE_900-1E660 - Rev. 09/11
A firmware update happens in 2 steps:
Update eBuddy
Update firmware
With "Update eBuddy" the firmware files may directly be stored at you PC.
This is necessary to update the firmware of you TM-E module.
As source the Internet or a local directory may be selected. With
[Continue >] the available firmware language versions are listed. Select the
corresponding version and download it with [Continue >] to your PC.
With "Update firmware" a dialog window is opened to request the login
data. By selecting the corresponding TM-E module and by entering the
login data, the firmware versions at your PC and at the TM-E module are
Choose the concerning firmware version at your PC. The update procedure
is started by [Continue >].
When installing a new firmware you have to be extremely careful. Under
certain circumstances you may destroy the TM-E module, for example if
the voltage supply is interrupted during transfer or if the firmware file is
In this case, please call the VIPA-Hotline!
The proceeding of the update is shown as a proceeding bar. Wait here until
the bar is at 100%.
A successful update is reported by a status report.
Update firmware
Update eBuddy
Update firmware