3. Troubleshooting
There are times when the software does not seem to work properly. Following is a list of common
problems and remedies.
Symptom What
The unit displays different maps
to what is being displayed on the
software panel.
This can happen if the unit is
programmed at the same time as
the software.
Shutdown the software and
restart it. This will connect to the
unit and refresh the channel
The software isn’t
communicating with the unit or
the software has locked up.
If the unit is turned off while the
software is running, then there is
no way the software currently
know this. The next time it tries
to communicate with the unit it
will wait endlessly for the unit to
reply – and the software hangs.
Terminate the application. Turn
the unit back on. Restart the
If the unit cannot be turned back
on but you still want to use the
software then make sure the
USB cable is not plugged in
before starting the software.
UPM 88 DB25 pin-out for multi-channel input and output