User’s Manual
Arctic EDGE Router
Viola Systems Ltd.
Setting of the IP Address Using a Console
Before installation you need to find out the required network settings. These include the
IP Address
Netmask and Gateway Settings
used by the Arctic. The local network administrator can provide
them to you or you can ask for them from your Internet Service Provider.
1. Before beginning, turn off the power from all devices and check that the power switch of the
Arctic is in the “OFF” position.
2. Connect a serial cable (crossover) to the console serial port (RS1) and an Ethernet cable to
the RJ45 connector.
3. Switch the Arctic on by toggling the power switch to “ON” position
4. Connect to Arctic using COM port and terminal program (Hyperterminal). Serial settings for
console (RS1) are 19200-8-N-1 and none handshaking”.
5. Stop the PPCboot to get the “Arctic>” command prompt. Set the IP address and netmask
using command “setenv”
If possible, it is recommended to use an HTML browser to set up network settings as
described in the next chapter. If using a console, please follow the procedure below: