1 7 6 2 1 S o u t h S u s a n a R o a d , R a n c h o D o m i n g u e z , C a l i f o r n i a 9 0 2 2 1
i n f o @ v i n o t e m p . c o m
On the display panel in middle of the control panel, you can read the
following information and adjust the temperature setting according to
your condition:
1. Indicator of the whole unit’s working status.
2. Indicator of the lower zone’s working status:
: Refrigerating.
: Maintaining the current temperature.
: Heating.
3. Setting temperature of lower zone.
4. Celsius or Fahrenheit degree.
5. The current temperature of the lower zone.
6. Celsius or Fahrenheit degree.
7. Lower zone.
8. Celsius or Fahrenheit degree.
9. Upper zone.
10. The current temperature of the upper zone.
11. Indicator of the upper zone’s working status:
: Refrigerating.
: Maintaining the current temperature.
12. Setting temperature of upper zone.
13. Celsius or Fahrenheit degree.
14. Internal light (on/off) indicator.