Each shelf can be used as a storage, presentation or sliding shelf. Each of your wine cabinet’s
shelves has 13 recesses for bottles, enabling you to place your bottles in total safety. Also, all
shelves have a label slot designed to receive the pre-cut cards delivered with your cabinet,
helping you to identify the position of your favorite wines at a glance.
Storage shelf configuration:
Install the shelf in the selected location.
Place a wooden locking pin in each of the two holes located on
the right and left of the upper face approximately 15 cm in
front of the shelf: these pins butt up against the heat shaped
wall and avoid all accidental shelf movement (See diagram).
Start by placing the bottles in the rear recesses with the base
of the bottle towards the back.
Continue by placing the bottles in the front recesses, facing
them in the opposite direction.
Continue stacking the bottles in this way making sure that no
bottle touches the rear wall.
A storage shelf can hold a maximum of 6 layers, 13 bottles on
each layer, representing 78 "Standard" Bordeaux bottles
Presentation shelf configuration:
Install the shelf in the selected location.
Place a wooden locking pin in each of the two holes located on
the right and left of the upper face approximately 15 cm in
front of the shelf: these pins butt up against the heat shaped
wall and avoid all accidental shelf movement (See diagram).
Start by placing the bottles in the rear recesses with the base
of the bottles towards the back (6 "Standard" Bordeaux
Continue stacking the bottles on the rear recesses (7+6+7+6
= 26 "Standard" Bordeaux bottles) making sure that no bottle
touches the rear wall.
To present the bottles, place them in an upright position on the
front of the shelf (Maximum capacity: 6 "Traditional" Bordeaux
In presentation configuration, a shelf can hold a maximum of
38 "Traditional" Bordeaux bottles.
Sliding shelf configuration:
Install the shelf in the selected location.
Place a wooden locking pin in each of the two holes located on
the right and left of the upper face approximately 4 cm to the
rear of the shelf: when the shelf is slid forwards, these pins
stop it from sliding completely out of the cabinet (See
Start by placing the bottles in the rear recesses with the base
of the bottles towards the back.
Continue by placing the bottles in the front recesses facing
them in the opposite direction.
A sliding shelf can only hold one layer of bottles (maximum of
13 "Traditional" Bordeaux bottles). In order to enjoy optimum
accessibility when setting up the cabinet in a mixed layout, we
recommend that shelves to be used as sliding shelves are
located in the middle section of the cabinet.
1 7 6 2 1 S o u t h S u s a n a R o a d , R a n c h o D o m i n g u e z , C a l i f o r n i a 9 0 2 2 1
i n f o @ v i n o t e m p . c o m