WARNING! Make sure that the fire is completely put out and the heater is cooled, otherwise it can melt.
To maximise the lifetime of the sauna it is recommended to follow these rules of maintenance.
Water discharge
There are no higher priorities to us than safety, health and the security of our Clients as well as the natural
environment. We do not use any artificial sealants (external walls) in the production of our hot tubs. This
is the reason why the hot tub is not completely leak-proof. Daily acceptable loss of water is max.
30 litres.
Filling the hot tub with water
When the hot tub is filled with water for the first time the wood needs to swell. The wood swelling is a
natural process and the leaks will occur until the hot tub will become completely sealed. The leaks will
occur mainly from the boards connections and knots. The leaks may also occur after the longer break of
usage. Depending from the outside conditions the sealing can take from couple of hours up to couple
The water in the hot tub is discharged through the drain valve The rest of the remaining water goes
through the outlet in the bottom of the heater.
To avoid drying out and loss of tightness of the wood it is advisable to keep the minimum level of water in
the hot tub (10 cm), even if the hot tub is not in use. This not appear to be a case during winter time, when
the humidity of the air is higher and the hot tub can be completely discharged.
Use only hard, dry wood (beech and birch) and small parts, not longer than 30 cm.
Lighting and heating the heater
The heater is installed outside the hot tub and connected with the hot tub by two connecting water supply
pipes. The water is heated due to gravity circulation. The draught can be adjusted with a grate in the
mouth hatch on the heater door or by opening the ash box.
Before lighting the heater the hot tub always needs to be filled with water first!
In case of outside heater, the minimum water level should be minimum 10 cm above the heater upper
outlet. (Picture 1)
Before each use of the heater, check the unobstructed wires and the chimney. Soot and ashes gathered in
the smoke canals of the stove should be removed by using appropriate shovel.
Scandinavian Wood