The SV-232 is equipped with one input connector and two output connectors for the power control. As a
result, this amplifier can supply and transmit the switching signal for other components in the system as
well as accept it from other components. Both cases are described in the following.
(1) The complete system is to be switched on/off at the SV-232 POWER button
In this situation the INPUT in the terminal “POWER CONTROL” (15) must not be occupied and must be
left open. Two HiFi components that are able to react to the power control signal can be connected direct-
ly to one of the amplifier's POWER CONTROL OUTPUTs (15). If more than two devices, which can be
controlled, are to be connected, then it is necessary to make the power control connection between the
preamplifier and these further devices through the outputs of the two devices which are connected direct-
ly. For that reason, every HiFi component that accepts power control signals is also equipped with a
power control output. Thus, in theory it is possible to provide an infinite number of HiFi components with
the power control signal. This approach, to loop a signal through a chain of components, is commonly
referred to as “daisy chaining”.
(2) The SV-232 is intended to react to the trigger signal
If, for example, two output channels of a preamplifier are connected to the main input “LINE6”, if this HiFi
component can supply a power control signal and if you want the amplifier SV-232 to switch on/off syn-
chronously with the component attached to “LINE6”, one power control output of this component must be
connected to the INPUT of the SV-232 terminal “POWER CONTROL” (15). The connector at the sourcing
HiFi component may as well be labelled with “TRIGGER OUTPUT”. Both power control OUTPUTs of the
SV-232 can additionally be used to forward the received switching signal to other components of your
system. Consequently, the POWER button (6) must be switched to its OFF position.
e.g. AV preamplifier
e. g. main amplifier
e. g. a second
main amplifier
Power Control
Power Control