Change the bass pro-
portions of the sound
BASS (6)
With the “BASS” control dial on the front of the device you affect the pro-
portion of lower frequencies in the sound. Turning it in clockwise direction
increases the bass intensity and moving it in anticlockwise direction redu-
ces it. In the middle setting the bass proportions of the input signals remain
unchanged. The adjustment of the bass control only has an effect if the but-
ton “TONE” (5) has been pressed. This tone control affects the loudspea-
ker and headphone signals as well as the output “PRE OUT” (14). The
signal of the output “REC OUT” (13) is independent of this.
Switch off tone control
TONE (5)
If the sound is not to be changed, it is recommended that you switch off
the sound control (BASS, TREBLE) with this button on the front of the devi-
ce. When this button is pressed, the sound processing settings in the tone
controllers (6)(8) come into play. If the button is not pressed, the two
sound controllers in the preamplifier are bypassed and the signals from the
source are not changed in terms of their frequency levels. The tone control
affects the signal of the loudspeakers and the “PRE OUT” output (14). The
signal of the “REC OUT” output (13) is unaffected by this.
Switch the audio signal
correction for low volu-
me on and off
LOUD (9)
This function is operated from the front panel. It is a feature of audio amplifiers
that permits the user to strengthen low and high frequencies compared with
middle frequencies at the touch of a button. It thereby corrects the impression
of volume at low volume. In an audio system, when the volume is small, low
and high frequency ranges are insufficient because of the characteristic of
human auditory sensation. This function should only be used at low volume. It
has no effect on the signal of the output “REC OUT” (13).
Individually activate or
deactivate speaker out-
puts A and B
With this dial you can switch both pairs of loudspeakers (A and B) on and
off in any desired combination. If this dial is set to “A”, only the pair of
loudspeakers connected to the “SPEAKER A” connectors receives the out-
put signal. If the dial has been set to “B”, only the pair of loudspeakers
connected to the “SPEAKER B” connectors receives the output signal. In
the dial setting “A+B”, both pairs of loudspeakers are fed at the same time
by the amplifier. In the “OFF” dial position both pairs of loudspeakers are
switched off. In contrast to the mute setting (MUTE), the output signal of the
preamplifier “PRE OUT” output (14) remains active in each of these cases.