end of the current auxiliary message. If an additional zone goes to ‘Fire’ then it will broadcast
an alarm tone until it synchronises with the zone already in ‘Fire’
Zone Expansion
Many MMSPs can be connected together via an Inter Synch connection to allow for
synchronisation for the S1 / S2 message across any number of zones.
Each MMSP can support one Zone Extension PCB and any number of MMSPs can be connected
MMSP Options and Advanced Programming
Pulsing Inputs
The MMSP can be programmed at time of order to recognise a pulsed input of 1 second on, 1
second off, from the sounder circuit as a pre-alarm or alert signal. The MMSP will then instruct
the Fire-Cryer Plus® sounder to broadcast the predefined pre-alarm or alert message.
Auto All Clear
The MMSP can also be programmed at time of order to automatically broadcast an ‘All Clear’
message if the ‘Alert’ message is cancelled before progressing to the default message. This
‘All Clear’ message can also be programmed to repeat a given number of times.
The MMSP can be programmed at time of order to broadcast the ‘Alert’ message for a
specified period of time before broadcasting the default message to allow confirmation of the
default signal. The length of this time is user definable, between 30 seconds and eight
minutes, using DIL switches 1 to 4.