TAB: 40607
(from master device only): to set the date and time displayed in the
area of the
main screen on all video entryphones belonging to the user. Enabling automatic mode (recommended)
synchronises the video entryphones with the date and time of the video entryphone system. You can
also configure the time zone, time format (12 or 24 hours) and date format.
4.2 Display and Buttons
Sound Buttons
: to activate/deactivate sound feedback when pressing buttons and the screen.
Button Brightness
: to adjust the brightness of the button backlighting.
Standby Button Light
: to enable/disable button backlighting in standby.
Display Brightness
: to adjust the brightness of the display.
Shutdown Timeout
: to set the amount of idle time before standby.
Graphic Theme
: to select the graphic theme.
4.3 Sounds
: to select the desired ringtone based on the type of call received. There are ten ringtones to
choose from. The call types are: from Speech Unit, from Porter (porter switchboard), from Users (other
system users), Intercom (call from another of the user’s devices), Bell (call via dedicated Landing call
Ringtone Volume
: to adjust the ringtone volume (same for all call types).
Button Volume
: to adjust the volume of the button press sound effect.
4.4 Call Options
End Call
Key Button
: if this option is enabled, when receiving a call from Speech Unit, pressing the
Key button activates the Speech Unit lock and simultaneously cuts off the call (even during conversa-
Video Voicemail Start Timeout
(from master device only): to set the standby time in seconds before
the voicemail service (if activated) is triggered when a call is unanswered. If the user status is
Do Not
and the service has been activated, the voicemail function will start immediately when a call is
Video Voicemail
(from master device only): to record and listen to the introductory message
of the voicemail service (length 10 seconds). When the voicemail service activates, this message is
played by the calling device before recording starts.
4.5 WiFi
This section is only accessible on master devices. If WiFi connectivity is enabled, the video entryphone also
allows the user to access video entryphone services from a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) on which the
Video Door
app by Vimar has been installed.
If you have a home WiFi network via your own router or access point, select ON mode and follow the instruc-
tions in the next paragraph, 3.5.1. If you do not have a WiFi network, select Hotspot mode and refer to the
information in paragraph 3.5.2.
Finally, complete the association procedure between the mobile device and the master video entryphone as
described in section 3.6.