Tablet PC
Show numbers, punctuation, or symbols:
Tap the Number button on the virtual keyboard to see numbers.
Tap the Symbol button to see additional punctuation and symbols.
You can search many apps on Android, including Calendar, Music, Email and etc. Also you can search an individual
app, or search all apps at once using Search.
Go to Search:
Go to Launcher, tap the icon of Search.
Press search key to start search.
Search device:
On the Search screen, enter text in the Search field. Search results appear as you type. Tap an item in the list to open
it. Tap Search to dismiss the keyboard and see more results. Icons next to the search results show which app the
results are from.
The device may display a top hit for you at the top of the list, based on your previous searches. The Browser search
results include options to search the web or to search Wikipedia.