ViewSonic ViewMate MC202P User Manual Download Page 6















Federal Communications Commission 
(FCC) Notice 

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 
B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed 
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential 
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency 
energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may 
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no 
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this 
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, 
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is 
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following 

•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

•  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which 

the receiver is connected.

•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

FCC Warning

To assure continued FCC compliance, the user must use grounded power supply 
cord and the provided shielded video interface cable with bonded ferrite cores. 
If a BNC cable is going to be used, use only a shielded BNC(5) cable. Also, any 
unauthorized changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party 
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this device.





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 (0800) 820-3870


 (021) 62375373

ViewSoni c


Optical Mouse MC20




Summary of Contents for ViewMate MC202P

Page 1: ...User Guide ViewMate Optical Mouse MC202 With Plug Play MC202P ...

Page 2: ...䋷DŽ 䡈Ѣѻકⱘϡᮁᬍ䖯ˈViewSonic Corporation ֱ ׂᬍѻક㾘Ḑⱘᴗ ˈᘩϡ 㸠䗮ⶹDŽᴀ ḷЁֵᙃབ ব ˈᘩϡ 㸠䗮ⶹDŽ 㒣 ViewSonic Corporation џ ܜ к䴶䆌ৃˈ᮴䆎ߎѢԩ Ⳃⱘˈഛϡᕫҹӏԩᮍᓣᣋ䋱ǃ ࠊ Ӵ᪁ᴀ ḷЁⱘӏԩ䚼ߚDŽ ѻક ݠ Ўњ㛑 䎇ᙼ᮹ৢⱘ䳔㽕ˈᑊϨՓᙼ㛑 ᬊ᠔ ᮄথᏗⱘѻકֵᙃˈ䇋䗮䖛Ѧ㘨㔥 ᙼݠ ⱘѻકˈ㔥ഔЎ www viewsonic comDŽ䖬ৃ ViewSonic Wizard Ⲭܝ ᠧॄ ݠ 㸼ˈ ৢ䚂ᆘ Ӵⳳ㒭 ViewSonicDŽ ѻકՓ ᳳ㒧ᴳᯊⱘ໘㕂ᮍ ViewSonic ᕜ ֱ䯂乬DŽ䇋 ѻકՓ ᳳ㒧ᴳᯊᇍ 䖯㸠ཹ ໘ DŽᙼᔧഄⱘᑳક໘㕂 ৌӮᦤկ ⱘℷ ໘㕂ᓎ䆂DŽ 䆄ᔩ ѻકৡ ൟো ḷো ᑣ ো 䌁ф᮹ᳳ ViewMate Optical Mouse MC202 P VSACC24542 1 ...

Page 3: ... NT4 0 催 ᴀⱘ 㒳DŽ USB ষᬃᣕ Microsoft Windows 98 Me 2000 XPDŽ 㺙 Pentium 133 催໘ ⱘ PC 㤤Փ DŽ PC 㒳Ё㟇ᇥ 32 MB RAMDŽ USB PS 2 ッষDŽ Ѣᅝ㺙䕃ӊⱘ䕃偅DŽ Ҏᴎᅝܼ ᛣџ乍 ϔѯϧᆊ䅸Ўˈড Փ ӏԩ哴 䬂Ⲭ䛑ৃ㛑ӮϹ䞡ᤳӸ ǃ 㜩ǃ 㞖ǃ乜䚼 㚠䚼DŽབᵰᙼ䖭ѯ䚼ԡⱘӏϔ໘ ᛳˈ䇋 䆶㘠Ϯֱ ع ϧᆊDŽ㽕䰡ԢᤳӸⱘৃ㛑ᗻˈ䇋ᣝҹϟ ᛣџ乍䖯㸠 䅵ㅫᴎᳳ䯈ˈ㒣ᐌ䖯㸠ⷁ᱖ᗻⱘӥᙃDŽ ᇣᯊ䍋ᴹ ࡼ DŽ ᭈ ⱘᎹ ӏࡵ㽕ᆠѢব DŽ ᇚ㙬㞾 ᬒ 䑿ԧϸջˈֱᣕ㙽䚼ᬒᵒDŽ䇗ᭈ䑿ԧԡ㕂ˈҹՓ 䬂Ⲭ 哴 ᯊ䑿ԧϡ㾝ৗ ЎᅰDŽ 䇗ᭈᑻộ 䬂Ⲭˈ䅽Ϟ㞖 㜩ϢḠ䴶ᑇ唤DŽ 䙓 ܡ ᇚ 㜩᧕ ễ䖍ϞDŽ 2 ViewSonic ViewMate Optical Mouse MC202 T M ...

Page 4: ...ᦦࠄ䅵ㅫᴎ Ϟⱘ USB ッষDŽ 2 ሣᐩϞߎ ֵᙃ Add New Hardware Wizard ࡴᮄ ӊ ᇐ ऩߏ Next ϟϔℹ DŽ 3 䗝ᢽ Search ҹ 䗖ড়䆒 ⱘ偅ࡼ ᑣ ऩߏ Next ϟϔ ℹ Next ϟϔℹ Next ϟϔℹ DŽሣᐩϞߎ ֵᙃ Please insert disk labeled Windows CD ROM 䇋ᦦܹ Windows CD ROM ⱘ ܝ Ⲭ ऩߏ OK ᅮ DŽ 4 ᇐ㟾 㾜ࠄ哴 偅ࡼ ᑣ ӊ ৃ㛑Ꮖ㒣 ⲬϞ ᔧࠡ Windows 㒳ⱘ Ⲭܝ Ϟ DŽ ৢˈ䗝ᢽ䗖ᔧⱘ偅ࡼ ᑣᑊऩߏ OK ᅮ DŽऩߏ Finish ᅠ៤ DŽ ޚ 哴 ࡳ㛑ᅝ㺙ᅠ៤DŽ েߏᣝ䪂 Ꮊߏᣝ䪂 䕂 USB 哴 ViewSonic ViewMate Optical Mouse MC202 3 T M ...

Page 5: ...B Mouse Next ϟϔℹ Next ϟϔℹ Next ϟϔℹ Next ϟϔℹ Finish ᅠ៤ DŽ 㒳Ӯ㞾ࡼ䞡ᮄਃࡼDŽ 4 㽕䗝ᢽ哴 ࡳ㛑ˈঠߏӏࡵ Ϟⱘ哴 䆒㕂 DŽ 㗙ˈऩߏ Windows ⱘ Start ᓔྟ ᣝ䪂 Programs ᑣ ViewMate Optical Mouse MC202 ĀViewMate Optical Mouse MC202ā DŽߎ Browser Mouse Setting 㾜 哴 䆒㕂 ሣᐩDŽ䗝ᢽ哴 ࡳ㛑DŽ 5 Ўᇚᴹ㦋পᅶ ࡵ ޚخ 䇋ᠧॄᴀ ᣛफᑊ 1 义ⱘ For Your Records 䆄ᔩ Ё䆄ϟᑣ োDŽᑣ ো 哴 ⱘᑩ䚼DŽ ৃ 㔥キϞ 㒓 ݠ ѻકDŽ䇋খ䯙ᴀᣛफЁⱘĀᅶ ᬃᣕā㸼DŽ 㽕ौ䕑哴 偅ࡼ ᑣ ऩߏ Start ᓔྟ Programs ᑣ ViewMate Optical Mouse Uninstall ViewMat...

Page 6: the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help...

Page 7: ...ic ᅶ ᬃᣕ䚼䮼㘨 DŽᙼ䳔㽕ᦤկѻકⱘ ᑣ োDŽ 2 㽕ᛇ㦋পᢙֱ ࡵˈᙼ䳔㽕ᦤկ a ᮹ᳳⱘॳྟ䌁фऩ ǃ b ᙼⱘྦྷৡǃ c ᙼⱘഄഔǃ d ᇍᬙ 䱰ⱘᦣ䗄ǃ e ѻકᑣ োDŽ 3 ҹ乘Ҭ䖤䌍ⱘᮍᓣᇚѻક㺙 ॳࣙ㺙ㆅ ݙ 䗕ࠄ 䖤㟇㒣 ViewSonic ᥜᴗⱘ ࡵЁᖗ ViewSonicDŽ 4 ᅗֵᙃ ᙼ 䖥ⱘ ViewSonic ࡵЁᖗⱘৡ ˈ䇋Ϣ ViewSonic 㘨 DŽ 䱤 ᢙֱⱘ䰤ࠊ 䰸њℸ Ёᦣ䗄ⱘᢙֱˈϡᦤկӏԩ ᅗᯢ 䱤 ⱘᢙֱˈࣙᣀᇍ䗖䫔ᗻ 䗨䗖 ᗻⱘ䱤 ᢙֱDŽ ᤳ ܡ 䋷ᴵℒ VIEWSONIC ⱘ䋷ӏҙ䰤Ѣᡓᢙׂ ᤶѻકⱘ䌍 DŽVIEWSONIC ᇚϡ䋳䋷ᡓᢙ 1 ℸѻક㔎䱋ᓩ䍋ⱘӏԩ䋶ѻᤳ ǃ Ѣᴀѻકⱘϡ ᓩ䍋ⱘᤳ ǃՓ ᴀѻકᓩ䍋ⱘᤳ ǃᯊ䯈ᤳ ǃ ᤳ ǃ ଚϮᴎӮⱘᤳ ǃଚϮֵ䁝ᤳ ǃϮࡵ ⱘᑆᡄ ᅗଚϮᤳ ˈे Ꮖџ ܜ ਞⶹৃ㛑Ӯ䗴៤䖭ѯᤳ DŽ 2...

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