The commissioning and matching of the
control unit to local conditions and build-
ing characteristics, as well as instructing
the user in the operation of the system,
must be carried out by your heating con-
As the user of new combustion equip-
ment, you may be obliged to notify your
local flue gas inspector of the installation
[check local regulations]. Your local flue
gas inspector will also inform you [where
appropriate] about work he may be
required to perform on your combustion
equipment (e.g. regular checks, clean-
Your system is preset at the factory
The control unit is factory-set to
ing and DHW"
Your heating system is therefore ready
for use:
Central heating
■ Between
6:00 and 22:00 h
, the rooms
are heated with 20 °C
"Set room
(standard heating mode).
■ Between
22:00 and 6:00 h
, the rooms
are heated with 3 °C
"Set reduced
room temp"
(reduced heating mode,
frost protection).
■ Your heating contractor can make fur-
ther settings for you during commis-
You can change any settings individu-
ally at any time to suit your require-
ments (see chapter "Central heating").
DHW heating
■ Between
5:30 and 22:00 h
, the DHW
is heated to 50 °C
"Set DHW temper-
. Any installed DHW circulation
pump is ON.
■ Between
22:00 and 05:30 h,
the DHW
cylinder temperature will not be rehea-
ted. Any installed DHW circulation
pump is OFF.
■ Your heating contractor can make fur-
ther settings for you during commis-
You can change any settings individu-
ally at any time to suit your require-
ments (see chapter "DHW heating").
Frost protection
■ Your boiler and DHW cylinder are pro-
tected against frost.
Wintertime/summertime changeover
■ This changeover is automatic.
Time and date
■ The day and time were set by your
heating contractor during commission-
Introductory information
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